Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Knowledge, and its significant impact on human life

Knowledge is wealth. This is because knowledge is something that you can never lose or have taken away from you. It is an asset that will always be valuable and can be used to generate more wealth.  Knowledge is power. This is because knowledge gives you the ability to make better decisions, understand complex situations, and ultimately have more control over your life. Knowledge is the future. This is because knowledge is the key to success in the ever-changing world. Those who have the most knowledge will be the ones who are able to adapt and thrive in the future. Knowledge, they say, is power. There's truth in this old saying, but it's more than just power. It's a guide. It's freedom. And most importantly, it's the fuel that propels humanity forward. In a world increasingly characterized by complexity, navigating the restless sea of life is no small feat. It requires a reliable compass. And that compass is knowledge. It lights our way through the darkest of times, illuminates our path, and provides the roadmap that leads to successful outcomes. At its core, knowledge is a detailed understanding or awareness acquired through experience or education. It's an invaluable asset helping us to interpret, understand, and react to a myriad of situations daily.  Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have the Midas touch? Everything they set their hands on turns into a veritable gold mine. The secret lies not in any mystical power or rare superhuman ability they possess, but in knowledge.  In modern society, knowledge is the key determinant of societal advancement and personal progress. Those who wield knowledge well are better fitted for survival. They thrive in the face of challenges, build successful careers, and effect meaningful change in their communities. The beauty of knowledge is that it's not static. It continues to expand, evolve, and develop, just as humans do. Our understanding of the world, the cosmos, and even ourselves continues to deepen, thanks to the ever-evolving repository of knowledge. Applied knowledge also forms the foundation of innovation. Inventions, groundbreaking technological advancements, and many societal progressions have their origins in the application of knowledge. So, it's evident that knowledge not only enriches life but also pushes the boundaries of what's possible. Now, as you reflect on the potency of knowledge, it's essential to remember the crucial role continuous learning plays in knowledge acquisition. Lifelong learning unlocks untold opportunities, broadening our horizons, and equipping us with diverse skills to tackle life’s complexities effectively.  In this era of information explosion, the challenge isn't access to information but sifting through and determining what's valid and useful. Knowledge isn’t merely information; it’s knowing how to apply the relevant information effectively when the time comes. So, if there's one investment that can yield inestimable returns, it's undoubtedly the investment in knowledge. Here's to celebrating the quest for knowledge, the journey to enlightenment, and the courage to keep learning. The world is an open book brimming with knowledge; all you need is the desire to explore it.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, June 21, 2024

Climate problems are gaining strength

 I am neither an ecologist nor a statistician. You don't need to read any articles to understand climate problems anymore. There is not a day in which there is no anomaly on our planet. I think there is no one who has not felt the high temperatures. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, fires, and so on. I doubt there are people who do not worry about this problem. The problem is definitely clear to children and adults. The question is: who is doing what about it? Anyone can say, for example, I was walking on Sunday, and I didn't have to turn on the engine of the car. I planted a tree in the yard; that's still something. Is that enough? If you ask the manager of a multi-billion-dollar company, he will say: We financed a wind farm or a solar farm from where we get electricity. We are an ecological company. You look at their product. It uses only two kilowatts per hour. Now let's calculate these 2 kilowatts per hour by the millions of products produced by them. I don't want to slander anyone. It is certain that I also use some other device. Isn't it time, really, that the smart politicians played great people and started working for the planet? It is our home, after all. Isn't it time politicians divert money to protecting the planet instead of making weapons? Are they sure that they will never be overtaken by a storm or some disaster? Does the sun only shine over their country? The clouds, which are formed by the heat, rain only there or in the interior, where they are blown away. His neighbor's house is on fire. I wonder how he is confident in his own safety. Here, the problem is no longer the neighbor or the other with the other faith. With the other skin color. The man who doesn't speak his language. The problem is very, very big. If we reason, in principle, there will be a flood after me. This is self-destruction. Why is that so? Because let me win as much as possible. I only have a few million, never mind that fifty dollars is enough for my daily consumption. Everything is based on greed and power. We're ready to destroy the future, just to be the big deal now. It's a pity that every politician wins with knowledge, not like in the old days when he was physically strong.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Discontent and poverty go hand in hand

 The European elections have passed. The results are a reflection of the state of people in the various European countries. You can hear any opinions. Nearly fifty percent do not vote. Why . They don't care who distributes their tax money. Apparently, they don't care or don't have faith in politicians anymore. Nearly fifteen percent vote for hard-line parties. At least that's what the other parties call them. However, do the other parties ask themselves why this percentage votes for the so-called extreme parties? It's true; the coronavirus had its impact. True, the immigration raids had an impact. True, rising interest rates have had an impact. True, the rise in groceries has had an impact. It is true that European companies need human resources. I believe that the circumstances are such. But that's what politicians are for. To adopt appropriate laws on time. To prevent people from getting into a difficult situation. To reshape the budget for the benefit of the people. Imagine a family on a budget. In those few years, almost everything has doubled. This family, which could subsist on this budget, is now in such a situation that they cannot cover their expenses. What is left for them is to look for other rulers. This is the truth. I don't believe that whoever comes will have a magic wand to fix things. For as long as the world can remember, it has been getting better. But he didn't manage to recover. But I cannot blame those people who are looking for, at least in a peaceful way, an opportunity to help themselves. It is not fair for the ruling politicians to call them extreme. It would be better to sit down and talk about how they can help them. If there really is no way out, then, over time, things can get out of control. Let me assume that there are extremely nationalist sentiments. But this election was more of a signal of people's discontent because of their financial situation. It is true that people who know the psychology of people take advantage of this to break into politics. If they are very good citizens, they can offer their ideas for the benefit of the people. To use the divide and rule dilemma, Therefore, those politicians who think of the welfare of the people should take care of the problems of most people before supporting bad ideas. This is my personal opinion.

Friday, June 7, 2024

What do successful people have in common?

Have you ever wondered what the richest and most successful people have in common? It is certainly not their place of birth, the color of their eyes, the color of their skin, whether they had divorced parents, etc. What they have in common is that they read books. And a lot of books. You must be wondering who these special books are. There is hardly a success bible. There are many different books specifically for financial success. The reality is that they can point you in the right direction. How to organize your budget and how to invest. Yes, they are also a factor in decent financial discipline. The truth is very different. There is a story hidden in every book. In this story, you can find an opportunity for your dream. Fall in love with an item or service that you can develop. Then sell this idea of yours. Try to read one book a week. Let them be in different genres. Figure out what exactly you like. Then read at least a dozen books in this genre. Think and conclude again. You don't lose anything. You learn a little more about life. There are books that motivate. There are stories that can unleash your potential. There is a character from the books that inspires. You have the opportunity to get an idea. Any book can give you a million-dollar idea. You only need one idea. It could be your key to a door you want to be behind. There are many ways to sell your idea. If the idea is brilliant, you will always find sponsors. May the idea prosper, for the benefit of people and nature. I just know that everyone can rediscover themselves by looking at themselves from different angles. Books help with that. As far as I know, there is no better friend than a book. The knowledge they impart helps you become successful in your endeavors. The conclusion is that what successful people have in common is books.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, May 31, 2024

Black cumin craze - does it really help health?

 Recently, there is a craze in Germany to consume black cumin or its oil. I have no idea about other countries. They are definitely crazy about him here in Germany. I visited quite a few sites to actually find out if this is the case. I read quite a few comments and article. One article is described as the gold of the Pharaohs. In others, it is written about him in the Bible and the Koran. There were quite a few comments on Amazon. I definitely know from my parents that everything in small quantities is useful. And if possible, use seasonal foods. Always not to eat the same food, one after another for the day. I respect every herb. Because if the Lord created, then it has a purpose in this world. At least to keep the balance. Almost everywhere it is claimed that: Black cumin is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and copper.Most articles state that black cumin may have benefits for: Immune System: Can stimulate the immune system and fight infections. Inflammation: May have anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in chronic conditions such as arthritis and asthma. Digestion: May improve digestion and relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal problems. Diabetes: May help regulate blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Cardiovascular health: May lower blood pressure and cholesterol. About Cancer: Quite a few experts say that black cumin may have anti-cancer properties. Skin and Hair: Can be used to treat skin problems such as acne and eczema, as well as stimulate hair growth. How do they consume it. Seeds: Black cumin seeds can be added to salads, soups, rice dishes, breads and other dishes. They can be chewed whole or ground into a powder. Oil: Black cumin oil can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, added to smoothies, or used topically on the skin. Tea: You can make tea from black cumin seeds by steeping them in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Dosage: The recommended daily dose of black cumin is 1-2 teaspoons of seeds or 500-1000 mg of oil. At least that's how it's written in many places. The most interesting thing in the Amazon reviews about black cumin is that you can find besides the positive opinions. Few and miraculous events. So what, they might be right. Still, faith keeps us going. I already bought half a kilo of seeds for my salads. I plan to try chewing with honey. Not that I need to right now, but like any human being I should try. From experience, the head does not hurt. For me, Swedish bitters is the universal medicine. There are also many articles about losing weight with black cumin. Apparently this is the new fashion. Hopefully there will be results for people.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, May 24, 2024

I'm not complaining, but I need to talk

  No matter how much I complain there is no one to help me. But who is to blame for this . Myself. A few days ago I decided to buy an app . You have no idea what a huge advertisement . Somewhere around 5 to 6 thousand words what goodies and so on . It takes pictures from text , processes them . The best videos 4 K in seconds with artificial intelligence . The newest invention of artificial intelligence. List the world's applications at least 15 to 20 of them.The advertisement claims that this app is revolutionary and combines all these functions in one place, something unprecedented until now. As I watched the price drop from $197 to $15 in just a few hours, I found it intriguing. I thought to myself, "Why not pay for it? This seemingly insignificant amount is worth it." When I proceeded to make the payment, a window suddenly popped up asking me to pay an additional $6.60 to unlock all the features of the app. I reasoned that if the initial price was $15, then $21.60 is not a major increase. I proceeded with the payment. After completing the transaction, I received an access code. I logged into the app after getting my access. At first glance, it's not complicated. I looked at all the features. I found that there are several sections. To be able to put captions on the pictures. Or upload your photo and split it into three separate images. I tried from text to images. Totally bad. Right now I can find at least 500 apps on the internet that can make super images with a free plan. But this thing is totally very bad. I looked for a place to make a video according to their advertisement. No such thing. There was a button asking you to upgrade the program. I clicked on it to see and guess what, it says pay again. For several types of videos, a 4-digit number, for each one separately. I got out of there and pressed the button again because I thought it was some kind of mistake. No, it wasn't a mistake. I'm the one who made the mistake of thinking that it's impossible to cheat. Because I paid, through a reputable site Varrior plus.I was so good at writing a quick letter to both the seller and the broker that I don't want to use something that isn't worth a cent. Get my money back.   There is no response. Today, after 5 days, I receive a reply from the seller who tells me to try to write targeted texts so that I can get good images. The broker sends me to evaluate the application how good and strong in technology it is. Provided that I have notified them to return my funds.   I know I need to drink some cold water. In this case I am to blame, what business do I have with these newly hatched swindlers. Not forgetting to mention the app ReImmagine Ai Prime - World's 1st Stability & Deep Ai Powered 20-in-ONE App by Abhishek A Jain

The question is not how much you earn, but what stupid expenses you make. While I advise other people to spend only what they need. That and I made an elementary mistake. But let's assume that this happens often. Then comes the moment why there is never enough money.  Good, bad, that's the truth.

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Near Future of Flying Cars: Dream or Reality?

 Flying cars, once a symbol of futuristic fantasy, are quickly becoming a reality. As technology advances, companies around the world are developing electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that promise to revolutionize urban transportation. Exciting possibilities: Urban air mobility: Imagine flying over traffic jams in flying taxis. Companies are developing eVTOLs for short urban distances, aiming to transform transport in metropolises. Reducing congestion: By moving transportation off the roads, eVTOLs can significantly ease traffic in major cities. Challenges to overcome: Air traffic management: Providing safe and efficient trajectories for multiple flying vehicles will require reliable air traffic management systems. Safety regulations: Strict safety standards and pilot licensing procedures will be critical to gaining public trust. Infrastructure Development: Strategic landing pads and refueling stations will need to be built to support the widespread use of eVTOLs. Phase-out:  eVTOLs are expected to initially be used for ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft, not for personal ownership. Long-term vision: In the distant future, personal flying vehicles may become more common, but affordability and regulations will play an important role. The future is here: Testing phase: By May 2024, companies are already testing prototypes and the first commercially viable models could be available within a few years. Overall, the future of flying cars is promising but full of challenges. Technological advances, regulatory frameworks and the development of urban infrastructure will determine how quickly and widely they will spread across the sky.Is it too early to invest in such companies? I guess it's worth it, but it's too early to pick which company will stay in the market

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...