Saturday, March 30, 2024

What it takes to be free.

 Learning to let go of things, to hope, to strive, is much more difficult than to hold on to them. It is human nature to view ourselves in terms of what belongs to us, and thus we become attached to old objects and situations, broken relationships, and even meaningless goals. We accumulate frustration, dwell on past mistakes, and attach sentimental value to worthless things. These burdens can hinder our ability to explore, create, and discover ourselves. Why is it so hard to let go of them? Sometimes this is because material things carry sentimental value. We may be guided by past experiences or future expectations. Items with sentimental value from the past include a souvenir from your vacation, a bracelet you wore on your first date, or a mug your grandmother gave you. Items with sentimental value for the future could be a box of art supplies (hoping to learn to paint one day), a collection of architecture books (which you will definitely start studying someday), or dumbbells (you plan to start working out one day ). Getting rid of them is like saying goodbye to a dream. And sometimes we don't want to be wasteful. We think we might need them again or feel guilty about spending money on them. This is the misconception of frivolous spending. A great way to detach from things is to do it gradually. Start with the easy stuff: gadgets you haven't used in years, old documents of little value, or just things you don't even remember what they are or what they're for. Gradually move on to more meaningful things by asking yourself: Why do I care about this item? If some things are dear to you, keep them to yourself. Sticking to goals can be an invisible burden that we carry without noticing. They may not align with our current aspirations, but they still influence our decisions and actions. We often cling to outdated goals driven by an illusory sense of duty to a younger version of ourselves. For example, you have to climb the corporate ladder only because of family expectations. Financial goals, reaching a certain level of wealth or buying a property by a certain age can also put a lot of pressure on you. The burden of abandoned goals can even manifest itself in areas that are normally considered positive. For example, wanting to run a marathon even though your health doesn't allow it, or pursuing higher education even though it's not practical due to your current life circumstances. In many cases, specific goals can limit learning opportunities. Some of the most exciting discoveries happen by accident. Why do I care about this goal? Most goals can be transformed into solid strategies based on enjoying the process without focusing solely on the end result. Letting go of the past is challenging because in a sense you have to part with a part of yourself. Experiencing forms the basis of who we are, and freeing ourselves from the burden of past memories means reexamining our identity.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Neues Buch „Der Erbe der Dynastie“ online verfügbar ist.

 Ich freue mich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass mein neues Buch „Der Erbe der Dynastie“ online verfügbar ist. E-Book-Papier, Papier-Hardcover. Auf Englisch und Deutsch. Eine faszinierende Geschichte über Geheimnisse und Prüfungen. Am Ufer des Rheins erhebt sich eine majestätische, riesige Burg. Dieses Schloss ist auf keiner Landkarte verzeichnet, und im Internet findet man kein Wort darüber. Es ist der Sitz der Geheimen Weltregierung, einer alten Königsfamilie mit einer jahrtausendealten Geschichte. Der König und die Königin sind alt geworden und sehen sich nach Erben um. Ihre Tochter Nesia, die den Thron erben soll, reist seit 20 Jahren durch die Welt, um sie kennen zu lernen. Ihr Sohn Henry hat sich der Heilung von Menschen verschrieben. Ihre Enkelkinder leben als einfache Bürger und sind sich ihrer königlichen Abstammung nicht bewusst. Doch der König und die Königin haben beschlossen, dass es an der Zeit ist, mit ihrer Ausbildung zu beginnen. Um ihren Wert zu beweisen, müssen die Enkelkinder eine Reihe von Prüfungen und Aufgaben bestehen, die ihre Intelligenz, ihren Verstand und ihren Mut auf die Probe stellen. Am Ende der Geschichte versammeln sich alle im großen Schloss und die verborgenen Geheimnisse werden gelüftet. Nesia kehrt von ihrer Reise zurück, um den Thron zu übernehmen und eine neue goldene Zeit für die Geheime Weltregierung zu beginnen. Lassen Sie sich diese faszinierende Geschichte voller Abenteuer und Geheimnisse nicht entgehen!

Wo zu kaufen: Die E-Books werden in Online-E-Book-Shops wie Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play Books usw. erhältlich sein. Taschenbuch- und Hardcover-Bücher werden in Online-Buchhandlungen wie Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Tolino usw. sowie im Buchhandel erhältlich sein.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

A fascinating story of secrets and trials - The Heir of the Dynasty

I am thrilled to announce that my new book, The Heir of the Dynasty, will be available in e-stores after 03/27/2024! 


In English and German

A fascinating story of secrets and trials

On the banks of the Rhine stands a majestic castle, unmarked on the map and hidden from the Internet. It is home to the Secret World Government - an ancient royal family with a thousand-year history.

The king and queen, realizing their advancing age, are looking for heirs. Their daughter Nessia, destined for the throne, has been traveling the world for 20 years to get to know him. Their son Henry has devoted his life to healing people. Their grandchildren, unaware of their royal ancestry, live ordinary lives.

But it's training time! The king and queen put their grandchildren through a series of tests to test their intelligence, resourcefulness, and courage.

The thrilling finale

At the climax of the story, the characters gather in the castle, where hidden secrets are revealed. Nessia returns from her travels to take the throne and lead the Secret World Government into a new golden age.

Welcome to the world of The Heir of the Dynasty!

Don't miss this fascinating story full of adventure and secrets!

Where to buy: The e-books will be available on online e-book stores such as Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play Books, etc. Paperback and hardcover books will be available at online bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Tolino, etc., as well as in bookstores.

The Wealth of the Great Kingdom is a remarkable and unique book

 The Wealth of the Great Kingdom  is a remarkable and unique book that imparts profound wisdom and philosophical truths about life. Within the enchanting setting of a fantasy kingdom under the rule of a benevolent and visionary king, readers are taken on an extraordinary journey. The protagonist, Prince Max, embarks on a captivating quest to explore neighboring realms and unravel the secrets of a successful state. In his quest, he establishes schools catering to individuals of diverse social backgrounds and recruits capable teachers to empower the kingdom’s citizens. Prince Max’s noble ambition is to create a flourishing society where educated individuals can contribute to their country’s growth based on their unique skills and talents. Along this inspiring journey, he encounters the enchanting Mary, and their blossoming relationship adds a captivating layer of romance to the narrative. Will Prince Maxvid readers interested in politics and statecraft, this book offers a wealth of thought-provoking insights. Its exploration of the fundamental elements that contribute to a prosperous and harmonious kingdom is truly captivating. The focus on education and the country’s orderly nature presents an alluring contrast to the contemporary Western democratic landscape. Moreover, the narrative possesses an enchanting fairy tale quality that will surely delight fantasy enthusiasts. It is worth mentioning that while the characters play a significant role in exploring profound philosophical concepts, a deeper level of development would have further enhanced their relatability. At times, they felt somewhat constrained and solely used as vehicles for philosophical ideas. The writing style bears a distinctive flair, and the vivid descriptions of the environment and architectural wonders within the kingdom allowed me to immerse myself in the story.

The Wealth of the Great Kingdom can be embraced as an uplifting guide for cultivating moral thoughts and actions that ultimately lead to personal success. Sezgin beautifully demonstrates that true wealth and power are not prerequisites for achieving one’s goals; rather, authentic happiness stems from embracing moral values to succeed in achieving his ambitions while simultaneously embracing true love?

A small book with a lot of useful information

 Knowledge is wealth: This is because knowledge is something that you can never lose or have taken away from you. It is an asset that will always be valuable and can be used to generate more wealth.  Knowledge is power: This is because knowledge gives you the ability to make better decisions, understand complex situations, and ultimately have more control over your life.  Knowledge is the future: This is because knowledge is the key to success in the ever-changing world. Those who have the most knowledge will be the ones who can adapt and thrive in the future.If you are interested in a book that can help you a lot, this is it. 👉 Manners in the great kingdom .

If you want to read the whole book you can search- E-book / Paperback /Hardcover Amazon, Ebay , Adlibris , Powells , Rakuten , Kobo , Barnes&Noble , Kinokuniya , Thalia , JPC , , , Booklooker , Alibris ,Morawa , Booktopia ,Triftbooks ,WOM , Google Play, Flipkart , Hugendubel, Bücher, Michaelsbund, Dumocks, Kitapavrupa, Pandora, BOL, Orellfüssli, Lehmanns, Walmart, Eurobuch , Tredition, Biblio, Faltershop, Helikon, Legimi, Bokus, D§R, Imge, Cinius, Indigo, Imusic, Athenaeum, Kaufland, Mondadoristore, Paagman, Weltbild, Betterworldbooks, Blackwells, Ebook, Exlibris, Lesen, Libroworld, Lesejury, Kitapsepeti,Ozone, and many others 👉🔑🎁Manners in the great kingdom 

 Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, March 15, 2024

Advice from artificial intelligence

 Yesterday I decided to ask Gemini for advice on Google. Advice for investing in some new company that has a new hydrogen production solution. More or less, it offers the really famous ones, but there is no information yet about anyone who has discovered anything remarkable. In my view, many of the newly hatched car manufacturing companies will go bankrupt in the near future. But, hydrogen companies have a minimum 30 percent success rate. Because cars are likely to join forces with the big players and last a little longer. Therefore, there will be very little place for the new ones at the big ones. A maximum of five to seven new players. But there is no room for many players in this market. However, in energy,  I guess it is inevitable. Therefore, all of them newly hatched in the hydrogen sector cannot really succeed without capital, but they have the opportunity to sell their technologies. Indeed, Canada and Australia have very large opportunities in this market. Whether African countries get involved is up to investors. But, Africa has great potential for hydrogen production. One has to watch which new and big players will start projects there. We don't have much choice, sooner or later this will be the new green gold. The end of black gold is coming to an end. No matter what we do without energy we cannot live. It's time to choose something that actually produces hydrogen at the lowest possible cost. After all, everything is a risk.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, March 8, 2024

Cryptocurrency is gold or casino - my opinion

 Lately, there has been a lot of talk about cryptocurrencies. I have an article written about them and my opinion cannot be changed.. I might miss something important for them and the benefits they would bring. I have logged into quite a few forums to look and read. In all the forums, Mr. Buffett is glorified as an investor. But the same people also glorify Bitcoin. Of course, there are also people who speak out against these crypto currencies. I was looking to see somewhere where Mr. Buffett invested and his opinion. He has not invested and his opinion that they do not carry a Coefficient of useful action. My opinion is the same. Forums also compare bitcoin to gold. I have no words. Gold, apart from being a raw material that is used everywhere from industry to ornaments, can also be exchanged for everything. Bitcoin can be defined as something of a lottery. Apart from bitcoin miners and traders, the only hope for others is for more money to pour in and thus profit and lie and predict when it will go up. or for the price to fall and to be able to sell at this volatility. Only people who want to get rich quickly are ecstatic about this thing. Yes, as a lottery and calculation for some people, this may be profitable, but for real investment in business or surplus value, I do not see a way out in cryptocurrencies. How many people would be happy to be paid like that? Uncertainty and more. Such money created by governments has an exit. Because they may be regulated and somehow not have much volatility. Imagine you get a salary and the next month is not sure about your standard of living. So I have no idea if it's a Ponzi scheme or just a lot of people can get burned with their hard-earned money disappearing fast. This means a casino where you have bet a lot and the risk is not that you have invested in the business but rather you have bet on luck. It's one thing to invest in a business, another to bet on a card or a chip or some new game. Here the chances are more than the lottery if you have a sense of when people would buy or when they would sell to make a difference. But this is not an investment, but a casino. I am expressing my own opinion, nothing personal. 

Author Sezgin Ismailov

A small task of great importance to any investor.

This is not a question for traders, but for investors. Assume that you know a noble, rich person who believes in you. He agrees to give you ...