Monday, October 31, 2022

The manufacturing companies the new power and future

New opportunities, new horizons. The use of robotics creates more opportunities for innovation in new businesses and opportunities for growth. Yes, cutting manpower but improving quality. Throughout human history, start-ups have played a key role in creating new industries and providing economic opportunity to the wider society. Startups often incubate an entirely new type of industry that technology accelerates. Robot companies represent businesses that have grown over the past decade, as well as industries that have been disrupted by the advances created by those businesses. These improvements continue to create unexpected opportunities for startups and large businesses alike. I assume that these companies described below will be the engines of the production sector in time. Especially if they manage to implement artificial intelligence in their machines. Regardless, there are already many robots created by them involved in the production cycle. I don't want to predict, but in fifteen years, production will be over 60 percent by robots than by humans. "ABB ", "Universal Robots Technologies ", "iRobot ", "Yaskawa", "Fanuc", "Zebra Technologies", "Yamaha ", "Nvidia ", " DENSO", "Midea Group", "Kuka", "Mitsubishi", "Adept Technology Inc", "Apex Automation" "Aurotek ", "Stäubli", "Kawasaki ", "Robotics ", "Siemens", "Honda", "Toyota", "SIASUN", "ESTUN", "EFORT", "JAKA Robot", "Panasonic", "Hyundai ". These are just the famous names. But you can always look for something you like to invest in.
Author Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, October 23, 2022

My opinion on rich and poor dad

Many people have read the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad", but how many have understood something from it, and what have they applied in life? I'll tell you what I found out. There were two things that were very important to me. The first was when Rich Dad challenged them to find or come up with a better job than the one he gave them. One is always dissatisfied with what one gets. No matter how much they pay us, we will always be dissatisfied. The second is about liabilities and assets. It's not something new. It just explains in the most basic way what is right for us or what we are looking for to increase our wealth, "ASSETS". With a little patience and a little deprivation of the unnecessary "PASSIVES," they constantly entice us to buy. Yes, we can afford them, but if we just put them off for a while after we make the money work for us, It's no secret that everyone who manages money doesn't spend it and keeps it in the vault. They direct it to working businesses to grow. Simply investing in a business is very positive. Not only do you have the opportunity to increase your wealth, but you also have the opportunity to help create jobs. Personally, when I don't understand a book, I have to re-read it, but some books should be read every year. People forget very quickly. Nevertheless, on social media, people share good quotes and sayings but do not take more than a few minutes to assimilate them and apply them in their lives. It's one thing to hear or read. It is another thing to understand and utilize.

Author: Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Investing in shares: My personal opinion

Honestly, I prefer to invest in them. When my kid asked me what a stock was, I answered very briefly and clearly. But this is my thinking. It's kind of a brick building. If you have a lot of money, you can directly buy a house, an apartment, and so on. But generally, people don't have that much money to buy a big business or a huge building. They can buy shares of that business. This business may be huge, but one can afford to buy as many bricks and shares for as much money. If this business generates revenue, profit is distributed equally to each brick, share, or Of course, after taxes are paid and a decision is made to distribute them to the owners of the bricks,. Basically, the management of this business tries to earn more and thus proves how skilled they are to run it. So the money invested in the bricks or shares can bring in more revenue. If the money stays in the jar, there is no way it will increase. If we leave it to the bank, it may give us some interest rate depending on many factors, but no more than avoiding inflation. What stocks you choose to buy depends on what type of person you are. Led by the crowd for more money. The ones you like. The ones you think are good for people and the future. It's all about thinking. The truth is simple. Everyone wants to have more money. But I at least realized that you don't have to have a lot of money; you just have to learn to manage it or put it where it moves and increases on its own. But to achieve success, we come back to the first rule of success. You have to invest in yourself to learn a lot about what you want. To be able to shortcut the mistakes made by others. Definitely back to the repository of information and books. Then, in habits and character, overcome fear and start building your dream of being a successful stock investor. Hence, when making an investment, it is wise to invest the allocated resources carefully by going through proper research as to why the company is bringing in new shares in exchange for money or a portfolio of shares. Why do they want to do this fundraising activity? Is it urgent for them to launch new shares if they have not faced any serious problems running all their operations smoothly?. How have these shares been doing recently, and what are their investors' expectations from them?

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Investment is putting your time and money into a project and hoping that the return is more than your contribution

There are many reasons why we need to start investing for our happiness. If we are financially empowered, we feel secure, and it makes us really selfishly happy. The world of income potential: investing can provide you with a world full of opportunities and multiple ways to earn income. You'll be able to save while you earn, and then invest in more sources of income outside of your traditional job. Paving a path to financial security It's important for today's workers to understand that their careers may not always last, so it's best to embark on smart investing if your income stops when you're older, retired from the workforce, or, worse, terminated from employment due to illness. A person who invests can use that invested money for future needs such as retirement, medical emergencies, and consumer financial goals. For each type of investment, there are certain guidelines and restrictions that must be followed by the investor. Investment: investment is putting your time and money into a project and hoping that the return is more than your contribution. In other words, investing is an act of risk-taking that can result in a profit but at the same time create a loss.
Author: Sezgin Ismailov

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Lord gives, but we must make an effort to take it

When Max passed by the apple tree, he saw a ten-year-old boy crying. He went near him and asked:  -Hi, boy, What's wrong? Why are you crying?  And the boy answered him with the following words:  - Hi, my father always says if I really want something, I have to pray to the Lord ten times and it will happen. Every day I pray to become rich like the rich children, to have a bigger horse, and to have a better home. Today I asked the Lord to give me the best apple from the top of the tree to eat, but something didn't work, even the apple didn't fall down. The Lord doesn't seem to like me.  Max quietly pulled a coin out of his pocket and picked up a stone from the ground. He held a coin in one hand and a stone in the other. 

 - Tell me, which one you will choose? - asked Max. 

 - The coin. – said the boy. 

 - Ask Lord ten times that you want a coin," said Max.  You can continue to read from the book.  

MANNERS IN THE GREAT KINGDOM   The tendency to take the blessings that God bestows on us for granted is a betrayal of their miraculous value. When we are determined, patient, and willing to work hard, we will find what we are looking for. 

 Author: Sezgin Ismailov

Saturday, October 8, 2022

The book is perhaps the best friend and helper of a person

Books are the pillars of knowledge. One of the advantages of reading is that you can read anytime, anywhere, even if you have a limited number of sources. The reasons for reading books contain social and individual benefits, both of which affect your inner or outer world. So to narrow down what we feel the need to read in terms of knowledge, try to answer this question: What do you know about yourself? Reading itself is an investment in knowledge. Of course, you have to assimilate what you read anyway. You can miss mistakes that have already been made before you. Let us not forget that books are a repository of information. In this way, we can get closer to our dreams faster. The first rule of success is to invest in knowledge or the right information anyway. This is not just my opinion. Many people have proven over the years that this is the way for humanity to progress. The richer in knowledge a person becomes, the less he desires material wealth. . But with knowledge, you can always handle any situation at any time. Therefore, the book is perhaps the best friend and helper of a person.

👉Author  Sezgin Ismailov

Monday, October 3, 2022

The secret of the family happiness

The secret to family happiness, as you call it, is to understand each other better. If you want respect, you also have to give it. You want joy; learn to make others happy. The compromise is a factor in a quiet family life. Selfishness is bad for compatibility. Bad habits interfere with the harmony of understanding. If you help, you get help. In good or bad times, you have to support each other. Constructive criticism is not an understatement; you should learn a lesson. You must also respect the freedom of others. The truth is that you should not put barriers between you. Everyone should take responsibility. Revenge will increase the gap between you. Pessimism will reduce your faith in the good. Forgiveness will fill the holes in your path. Insults will hurt you. Anger is the beginning of all problems. Shouting is an aggressive way to introduce someone else's will. Calm behavior is a balance for the person. The trust will increase your hope. Hope will bring you faith. Faith will give you love. Your love will bring a smile, joy, and happiness.

A small task of great importance to any investor.

This is not a question for traders, but for investors. Assume that you know a noble, rich person who believes in you. He agrees to give you ...