Friday, April 5, 2024

With your vote, you contribute to the future of your money.

 The movement of money and the fundamental factors. I am definitely not a stock player who buys today and sells tomorrow. But I visit various groups and see them arguing and looking for a quick buck. Many people will say you should do fundamental analysis. Other technical analysis, most you need to know both. Specialists a lot. For me, it is important to choose from 3 to 10 stocks maximum. Three favorites up to 50 percent of the portfolio and the rest where you can average the risk. Everyone quotes Mr. Buffett, but their actions want to get rich if they can right now.If you look at Mr. Buffett's portfolio he has bought and held for years and his patience pays off. Because there are good moments but also bad. I also think that by investing you have really already chosen, you should hold for years. But what causes stock prices to fluctuate constantly? Demand and supply. When there is demand they go up. And the opposite holds true. But what makes this happen. One is the media, the other is the company's profits. The last, perhaps most important, politics. Not only the most important, but also the most significant that leads to the consequences. With the media, some big players (analysts) may be looking for a little volatility with the statement. To make their customers a little more money. The second option for the company's income, what affects it the most. Bad service or product. Regulatory obstacles. Competitiveness. If it's bad service, it's their own fault. Yes, competitiveness is now also a factor in unfair competition. But regulatory hurdles are the biggest factor. Finally we come to the politicians. So that politicians ultimately decide the fate of billions of people in the world. How, for example, in the case of friction between two countries and entire businesses go to the cinema.A company close to the politicians enjoys a subsidy. Government contracts that support large revenues. Yes, in case of major financial crises, the politicians are still to blame because they did not do their job. In an epidemic there, it's already God's work. But in conflicts between countries, the politicians are to blame. Out of nowhere, some group of people acquires a weapon. We're back to regulation or unenacted laws to outright ban guns. So instead of just following the company you worry about, will it make you a little richer. Think when you vote what kind of people you are voting for, nothing personal. Even with your vote you contribute to the future of your money.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

What it takes to be free.

 Learning to let go of things, to hope, to strive, is much more difficult than to hold on to them. It is human nature to view ourselves in terms of what belongs to us, and thus we become attached to old objects and situations, broken relationships, and even meaningless goals. We accumulate frustration, dwell on past mistakes, and attach sentimental value to worthless things. These burdens can hinder our ability to explore, create, and discover ourselves. Why is it so hard to let go of them? Sometimes this is because material things carry sentimental value. We may be guided by past experiences or future expectations. Items with sentimental value from the past include a souvenir from your vacation, a bracelet you wore on your first date, or a mug your grandmother gave you. Items with sentimental value for the future could be a box of art supplies (hoping to learn to paint one day), a collection of architecture books (which you will definitely start studying someday), or dumbbells (you plan to start working out one day ). Getting rid of them is like saying goodbye to a dream. And sometimes we don't want to be wasteful. We think we might need them again or feel guilty about spending money on them. This is the misconception of frivolous spending. A great way to detach from things is to do it gradually. Start with the easy stuff: gadgets you haven't used in years, old documents of little value, or just things you don't even remember what they are or what they're for. Gradually move on to more meaningful things by asking yourself: Why do I care about this item? If some things are dear to you, keep them to yourself. Sticking to goals can be an invisible burden that we carry without noticing. They may not align with our current aspirations, but they still influence our decisions and actions. We often cling to outdated goals driven by an illusory sense of duty to a younger version of ourselves. For example, you have to climb the corporate ladder only because of family expectations. Financial goals, reaching a certain level of wealth or buying a property by a certain age can also put a lot of pressure on you. The burden of abandoned goals can even manifest itself in areas that are normally considered positive. For example, wanting to run a marathon even though your health doesn't allow it, or pursuing higher education even though it's not practical due to your current life circumstances. In many cases, specific goals can limit learning opportunities. Some of the most exciting discoveries happen by accident. Why do I care about this goal? Most goals can be transformed into solid strategies based on enjoying the process without focusing solely on the end result. Letting go of the past is challenging because in a sense you have to part with a part of yourself. Experiencing forms the basis of who we are, and freeing ourselves from the burden of past memories means reexamining our identity.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Neues Buch „Der Erbe der Dynastie“ online verfügbar ist.

 Ich freue mich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass mein neues Buch „Der Erbe der Dynastie“ online verfügbar ist. E-Book-Papier, Papier-Hardcover. Auf Englisch und Deutsch. Eine faszinierende Geschichte über Geheimnisse und Prüfungen. Am Ufer des Rheins erhebt sich eine majestätische, riesige Burg. Dieses Schloss ist auf keiner Landkarte verzeichnet, und im Internet findet man kein Wort darüber. Es ist der Sitz der Geheimen Weltregierung, einer alten Königsfamilie mit einer jahrtausendealten Geschichte. Der König und die Königin sind alt geworden und sehen sich nach Erben um. Ihre Tochter Nesia, die den Thron erben soll, reist seit 20 Jahren durch die Welt, um sie kennen zu lernen. Ihr Sohn Henry hat sich der Heilung von Menschen verschrieben. Ihre Enkelkinder leben als einfache Bürger und sind sich ihrer königlichen Abstammung nicht bewusst. Doch der König und die Königin haben beschlossen, dass es an der Zeit ist, mit ihrer Ausbildung zu beginnen. Um ihren Wert zu beweisen, müssen die Enkelkinder eine Reihe von Prüfungen und Aufgaben bestehen, die ihre Intelligenz, ihren Verstand und ihren Mut auf die Probe stellen. Am Ende der Geschichte versammeln sich alle im großen Schloss und die verborgenen Geheimnisse werden gelüftet. Nesia kehrt von ihrer Reise zurück, um den Thron zu übernehmen und eine neue goldene Zeit für die Geheime Weltregierung zu beginnen. Lassen Sie sich diese faszinierende Geschichte voller Abenteuer und Geheimnisse nicht entgehen!

Wo zu kaufen: Die E-Books werden in Online-E-Book-Shops wie Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play Books usw. erhältlich sein. Taschenbuch- und Hardcover-Bücher werden in Online-Buchhandlungen wie Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Tolino usw. sowie im Buchhandel erhältlich sein.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Heir of the Dynasty is an enthralling tale of mysteries and struggles.

OMG, you guys! I am beyond excited to share that my new book, The Heir of the Dynasty, is dropping in e-stores on 03/27/2024! Mark your calendars! 📅✨ 
Hey, lovelies! 📚✨ Whether you are into e-books, soft covers, or that classic hardcover feel, there is something for everyone! Which one are you vibing with today? Let me know! 💖  
In English und Deutsch
OMG, you guys! This is such a captivating tale filled with secrets and challenges that will totally keep you on the edge of your seat! 😍✨
Picture this: a stunning castle perched on the banks of the Rhine, totally off the grid and waiting to be discovered! It is like a hidden gem that you will not find on any map or online search. How magical is that? Welcome to the realm of the Secret World Government, where an ancient royal family boasts a captivating thousand-year legacy!✨👑
The king and queen, totally aware of their fabulous journey through life, are on the hunt for some amazing heirs to carry on their legacy! Nessia, the future queen, has been on an epic journey around the globe for 20 years, all to discover her true self and her destiny! OMG, you guys! Their son Henry is seriously the ultimate healer! He is totally dedicated his life to helping others. How inspiring is that? 💖✨ Their grandkids, totally oblivious to their royal roots, are just living their best everyday lives! How relatable is that? 💖👑
It is time to get our grind on! The king and queen totally put their grandkids through some epic challenges to see just how smart, resourceful, and brave they really are! Can you imagine the excitement? 💖👑✨
OMG, you guys! The finale was absolutely thrilling! 😱✨
OMG, you guys! So, at the peak of the story, all the characters come together in this epic castle, and let me tell you, the secrets that come out are just mind-blowing! 😱✨ Nessia is back from her epic adventures, ready to claim the throne and guide the Secret World Government into an incredible new golden age!✨👑
Hey everyone! Get ready to dive into the amazing world of The Heir of the Dynasty!
You guys, you absolutely have to check out this incredible story packed with adventure and hidden secrets! Trust me, you will not want to miss it!
Hey fam! Wondering where to snag the best deals? Let’s dive in!
You can totally grab the e-books at your fave online stores like Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play Books, and more! 📚✨
Hey book lovers! 📚✨ You can grab your favorite reads in both paperback and hardcover at all the online spots like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Tolino, and of course, your local bookstores! Happy reading! 💖

One of a kind and extraordinary is The Wealth of the Great Kingdom.

An extraordinary and one-of-a-kind work, The Wealth of the Great Kingdom teaches its readers timeless philosophical principles and deep insights. An astonishing adventure is ushered in for readers inside the magical backdrop of a kingdom ruled by a compassionate and prophetic king. Prince Max, our hero, sets off on an exciting mission to discover the nearby realms and the keys to a prosperous state. In his mission to equip the people of the kingdom, he builds schools that welcome students from all walks of life and hires qualified educators to staff them. An ideal society, according to Prince Max's lofty goals, is one in which well-educated citizens may make meaningful contributions to national development by making the most of their individual strengths. He meets the lovely Mary on this uplifting voyage, and their budding romance lends an intriguing romantic dimension to the story. For those interested in politics and statecraft, Will Prince Maxvid offers a lot of insightful reading. Its fascinating examination of the basic factors that lead to a peaceful and wealthy country is hard to put down. An attractive contrast to the modern Western democratic setting is the country's emphasis on education and its orderly nature. In addition, fantasy readers will be enchanted by the story's charming fairy tale appeal. It should be noted that although the characters are heavily involved in delving into deep philosophical ideas, they may have been even more relatable with more development. They felt confined at times, like they were nothing more than vessels for abstract philosophical concepts. I was engrossed in the novel because of the author's unique flair and the detailed descriptions of the kingdom's setting and architectural marvels.

To achieve personal achievement, one should embrace the Wealth of the Great Kingdom as an encouraging manual for developing moral ideas and deeds. Sezgin deftly shows that material success is not necessary for happiness; rather, he finds that the key to fulfilling his dreams and falling in love at the same time is living according to his moral principles.

A little book packed with valuable information

Knowledge is wealth since it is something that can never be taken away from you or lost. This is the reason why knowledge is considered to be wealth. An asset that will always be valued and that can be used to generate additional wealth is something that can be used.  Knowledge is power: This is due to the fact that having knowledge enables you to make better decisions, comprehend more complicated circumstances, and ultimately have greater influence over your life.  It is said that knowledge is the future since it is the most important factor in achieving success in a world that is constantly evolving. Those individuals who possess the greatest amount of knowledge will be the ones that are able to learn and thrive in the future.You should read this book if you are looking for a book that can be of great use to you. 👉 In the large kingdom, conduct is expected. There are three options available to you if you wish to read the entire book: e-book, paperback, or hardcover. Amazon, Ebay , Adlibris , Powells , Rakuten , Kobo , Barnes&Noble , Kinokuniya , Thalia , JPC , , , Booklooker , Alibris ,Morawa , Booktopia ,Triftbooks ,WOM , Google Play, Flipkart , Hugendubel, Bücher, Michaelsbund, Dumocks, Kitapavrupa, Pandora, BOL, Orellfüssli, Lehmanns, Walmart, Eurobuch , Tredition, Biblio, Faltershop, Helikon, Legimi, Bokus, D§R, Imge, Cinius, Indigo, Imusic, Athenaeum, Kaufland, Mondadoristore, Paagman, Weltbild, Betterworldbooks, Blackwells, Ebook, Exlibris, Lesen, Libroworld, Lesejury, Kitapsepeti,Ozone, and many others 👉🔑🎁The proper conduct of the vast kingdom 

 Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, March 15, 2024

The guidance of an artificial intelligence system

Yesterday, I made the decision to consult Gemini for guidance regarding Google. The following is some guidance for investing in a new company that has developed a new method of producing hydrogen. The truly notable ones are included, however there is no information about anyone who has discovered something extraordinary as of yet. More or less, it provides the genuinely famous ones. In my opinion, a significant number of the recently established automobile manufacturing businesses will fail in the not too distant future. On the other hand, hydrogen businesses have a success rate of at least thirty percent. mainly due to the fact that automobiles are likely to get together with the major players and survive a little bit longer. Because of this, there will be a very limited amount of space available for the new ones at the larger ones. There should be no more than five to seven new players. But there is not enough room in this market for a large number of participants. Regarding energy, on the other hand, I suppose it is unavoidable. Because of this, all of the newly conceived businesses in the hydrogen industry are unable to achieve true success without the availability of finance; nevertheless, they do have the possibility to sell their technology. In point of fact, Canada and Australia both have a significant amount of chances in this industry. It is up to investors to decide whether or not African countries would participate. However, Africa possesses a significant potential for the creation of hydrogen. One must keep a close eye on which new and major players will initiate projects in that location. This will become the new green gold sooner or later, and we do not have much of a choice in the matter. As time goes on, the end of black gold is drawing near. No matter what we do, we are unable to exist if we do not have energy. Choosing something that genuinely generates hydrogen at the lowest feasible cost is the next step that needs to be taken. At the end of the day, everything is a risk.

Sezgin Ismailov is the author.

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...