Friday, February 9, 2024

How to increase your money, is the most important question of every person.

The easiest way to compound interest. I guess there are a lot of dedicated texts out there and I'm just stating my own opinion. How to increase your money is the most important question for every person. To me, it's like investing in profitable stocks. How to find these stocks. There are several ways I guess. But my method is to just follow this path. First, to make the portfolio stronger and more secure, I aim for 50 percent of it. The first step is to find the company in the global 2000. The second step is to be present in the Fortune 500. The third step is to be at least in the 30 most valuable companies in the country where it is registered. Fourth, the company must be in the ranking of the best brands, at least in the country where it is registered. This means that people have confidence in its services or products. Fifth, I make sure that the income for the last five years has increased by a minimum of five percent per year. If there are more, welcome. Sixth, in addition to revenue, I need to make sure that profits increase. Because if they don't increase, it's not good. Seventh, how many liabilities are there and what are the revenues and profits to cover those liabilities. Eighth, are there available funds? This is a factor for good management of the company and readiness for it to deal with different circumstances. Ninth, a fact for better development, what and how many patents there are. Are there links to research institutes?  Tenth, how many global investment funds are invested in this company. At least five major investors from the ranks of Black Rock, Vanguard, Schroders, Alliance, the State Pension Fund, The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, or other major players. Eleventh, the managers themselves buy from their companies. They believe in their actions and see the company progress. If they sell, then they even think it's overpriced. Twelfth, the company is a factor in its country and under certain circumstances will be supported by the authorities. Thirteenth, many of the big companies use government subsidies, which is a factor in their operations. So they are significant. Fourteenth, especially if you also use the services or buy their products, this is also a factor. So you trust this company and are satisfied with its services or products. Fifteenth, does the company have a share buyback program. Thus, it reduces the number of shares and they have the opportunity to increase their price. Sixteenth, has it paid dividends in the last five years. It must be every year, with a little more than the previous year. If not, that's not good. Is it worth having stocks that do not give you a dividend? It's not worth it to me. What is it like to see something on the screen and only in a picture? It's another to get a little reward for your investment, and it brings joy and thrill. Seventeenth, if you think that this product or service is not in danger in the future, without it there is no way to continue living or it is not only transitory / it becomes obsolete compared to new technologies or pollutes the climate / it is worth investing. It's possible to use the advice for your entire portfolio, but it's good to think about new emerging companies that will produce a new product with the opportunity to establish themselves over time. Just one thing to know. Rarely do companies have rapid growth with very large percentages. Anything else is a constant investment and time. There is a saying, "Drop by drop it grows into a lake."

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Life rewards those who dare to take action. My recommendation?

Do you ever find yourself sighing in despair, feeling stuck or lost when trying to turn your dreams into reality? Have you been constantly praying, wishing, or hoping for something and it just doesn't seem to materialize, causing you to doubt your worth or divine favor? You are not alone. Most of us have been there, just like the little boy in the inspiring and transformative story.  "God gives but we must make an effort to receive"  from the book Manners in the Great Kingdom. The story takes you into the life of a young boy who prays every day to become rich so that he can have the best horses and the most beautiful house, just like rich children. Although he prays that the juiciest apple will fall from the tree, none falls at his request. Upset, he believes that God doesn't love him. But then Prince Max enters his life and changes his perspective forever. Max teaches the boy and you, the reader, the profound philosophical lesson of action. Prayer is not enough; one must also act on their desires. With coin and stone in hand, Prince Max makes the boy realize that just wanting the coin won't make him his; he must reach out to own it. This powerful message permeates the pages, teaching the importance of preparation and determination to achieve your goals, whether it's picking an apple or owning a beautiful house. This is just one of Prince Max's stories outside of his encounters with the sages from other kingdoms. Buy the little book with over 25 stories where you can learn many other important wisdoms for your life. Life rewards those who dare to take action. So don't just wish, act! My recommendation? Stories full of priceless wisdom that has the power to change your perspective and transform your life.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, January 26, 2024

Voting is our civic duty - your choice for your future

 When we vote, we exercise our right to participate in the governance of our country. This is our responsibility as citizens of a democratic society. Voting gives us the opportunity to express our opinion. In elections, we can choose candidates or parties that share our values and priorities. It gives us the opportunity to influence the decisions that are made and make the world a better place. Voting helps us make sure our voices are heard. When we vote, we send a signal to politicians that we are interested in the decision-making process. This helps us ensure that our interests are taken into account. Here are some concrete examples of how voting can have a positive impact: The vote could lead to changes in legislation. For example, if you vote for candidates who support stricter gun control laws, you can help reduce gun violence. Voting can lead to policy changes. For example, if you vote for candidates who support clean energy, you can help reduce environmental pollution. Voting can lead to changes in people's lifestyles. For example, if you vote for candidates who support welfare programs, you can help improve the lives of low-income people. Of course, voting is not a panacea. It does not guarantee that we will get everything we want. But it is important to vote so that we can participate in the decision-making process and make the world a better place. If you're not sure who to vote for, there are many resources that can help. You can read about the candidates and parties, talk to friends and family, or reach out to organizations that work on issues that interest you. One of the most important things is when choosing to choose conscientious citizens who allocate our taxes.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, January 19, 2024

Passive income - Investing in real estate trusts (REITs)

 Your personal key to unlocking the booming world of real estate without the daunting costs and hassles of direct ownership. Investing in REITs can be a reliable way to generate income and capital growth. REITs are publicly traded companies that own and manage real estate. They are required to pay at least 90% of their net income in the form of dividends to their shareholders. There are several reasons why REITs can be sound investments: They are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This means that they must meet several requirements to be listed and traded on the stock market. These requirements include public disclosure of financial information, which helps investors make informed decisions. They have a long history of profitability. REITs have been around for over 50 years and throughout that time have provided investors with steady income and capital growth. They are diversified. REITs can invest in various types of real estate, including offices, residential, shopping centers, and logistics facilities. This helps diversify risk and reduce the impact of negative events on REIT returns. Of course, no investment is completely risk-free. REITs are subject to several risks, including:  

Risk of changes in real estate prices. Real estate prices can change based on several factors, including the state of the economy, interest rates, and supply and demand. Risk of changes in rents. Rents are subject to change based on tenant supply and demand. Risk of REIT financial distress. A REIT may encounter financial problems if it fails to properly manage its assets or if it encounters unexpected expenses. Despite these risks, REITs can be a reliable way to generate income and capital growth. When investing in REITs, it's important to do your research and choose REITs that are well-managed and have strong financials. Here are some tips on how to make your investments in REITs more reliable: Diversify your investments. Don't invest all your money in one REIT. Instead, invest in a portfolio of different REITs that are invested in different types of real estate. Choose REITs with a long history of profitability. This will give you a better idea of how the REIT will perform in the future. Choose REITs that are well-managed. Look for REITs that have a strong team of managers with real estate management experience. Choose REITs with strong financials. Look for REITs that have high levels of yield and low levels of leverage. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success investing in REITs.

I personally have close to 15% of my portfolio in such investments. To be honest, while I have rented properties, I often have problems when a tenant leaves the property. It should be cleaned up after it and the problems fixed. When investing in REITs, I only receive dividends. I receive income every three months. Of course, there are always taxes on the dividend.

author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, January 12, 2024

The benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence. The fight right now is who will control it and how.

In today's digital era, there's a significant buzz around Artificial Intelligence. From smartphones to smart cars, AI is everywhere, revolutionizing industries, enhancing functionality, and making life simpler. However, despite its advantages, AI has a less-spoken darker side that raises eyebrows and is often the subject of concern. The advantages of AI are undeniable. It's optimized various sectors by increasing efficiency, reducing error, and facilitating innovation. In healthcare, AI performs precise diagnoses while preventing human error. In customer service, AI chatbots provide immediate responses, enhancing customer experiences. It even permeates everyday life, with AI-driven applications like Siri and Alexa making it easier to organize our lives. These beneficial influences are difficult to disregard, making AI a prominent facilitator of the modern world. Balancing these benefits has several significant disadvantages that can cause unease. The primary concern is job losses, with AI potentially replacing human roles in various industries. There's also an ethical dilemma surrounding AI, with issues like privacy invasion and data misuse, thanks to highly strategic, AI-driven targeted marketing strategies. These challenges blur the line between utility and exploitation. Perhaps the most concerning downside is the potential for sophisticated AI to surpass human intelligence, posing an unprecedented threat. Understanding the dual nature of AI, both its benefits and its threats, is critical. This knowledge allows us to navigate AI's pathway responsibly and advantageously. Businesses, governments, and individuals need to consciously engage with AI, leveraging its advantages while being proactive about managing its disadvantages. Large corporations should develop AI technology with an ethical framework to minimize risks. Governments should implement stringent regulations to ensure that AI is used for collective advancement rather than unfair exploitation. With these solutions in mind, we can ensure that AI is not just a progressive technology, but also a humane one. In general, this is the general opinion of most people. My personal concern is that now only chatbots are in reply format. But in time, I'm sure a lot of software companies will be a thing of the past. That is why the big ones in this business strive to control artificial intelligence.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Investing in an economy like Singapore? As one of the “Four Asian Tigers,” Singapore's economy is known for its integrity

Have you ever thought of investing in a fast-growing and stable economy like Singapore? Ever wondered which companies are leading the charge in making Singapore one of the most robust and reliable investment hubs in the world? Now is your golden opportunity to discover ways to incorporate Singapore stocks into your investment portfolio. Singapore is growing at a remarkable pace. Its stock market presents an enchanting mix of stability, growth, and potential. As one of the “Four Asian Tigers,” Singapore's economy is known for its integrity, high levels of innovation, and efficient business environment. Investing in Singapore can be your avenue to diversify your financial portfolio while improving the potential for substantial gains.  Among the top companies in Singapore, a few names remarkably stand out. DBS Group Holding, a banking giant, never fails to amaze investors with its consistent growth. Other promising sectors include real estate with CapitaLand and telecommunications with Singtel,. These companies have been showing significant potential for steady earnings while maintaining strong financial health. This perfect blend of stable growth and promising returns makes these stocks among the best options for investors looking to play it safe, yet wanting to earn considerable returns. But, why should you invest in Singapore stocks? Firstly, the Singapore stock market is known for its robust regulatory environment that ensures transparency and fairness. Secondly, Singapore boasts a highly developed and successful free-market economy. Lastly, in terms of dividends, many Singapore companies tend to offer a higher dividend yield than their counterparts in other countries, an appealing prospect to the income-focused investor. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

A dream house - my opinoin

What is the ideal house for me? First the placement. If possible, it should be on the border with a forest and a river. The sun must shine on it most of the time. It should be made of wood and have very large windows. Of course, there should be external and internal blinds. To become a completely passive house, there must be a minimum 15-kilowatt solar system on the roof or in the yard plus a battery for energy storage. This energy should independently supply all electrical consumers in the house. The house should have a heating and cooling system, using a heat pump. The water for the house should be from a well. Connected to the home system. At least 2000 square meters of land to the house. In 1,000 square meters, if possible, sow all kinds of fruit-bearing trees. Five hundred square meters is enough for vegetables and a small greenhouse. One hundred square meters for a small home fish pond. At the orchards, you can release two sheep to graze and at the same time, you can use their milk. Several hives with honey bees. A few hens to get eggs. A few logs can be injected with mushroom mycelium to produce additional food. In the vegetable garden, it should be distributed in such a way that there is also the possibility of harvesting herbs and spices. After preparing the winter food from most of the harvest of fruits or vegetables, you can sell and cover your costs for additional needs. Which you cannot produce yourself, for example, salt or sugar. Expenses for clothing or necessities you need. Such a passive house can meet your costs by up to ninety percent. If such a house is not a dream, then everything else is a luxury and already enters the column of greed.Perhaps in my fourth book, I describe something similar and give an example of a family that only supports itself without going to other work.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Investor quotes from great investors - rules for every investor

 Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in. John D. Rockefeller One of the funny things abou...