Friday, January 19, 2024

A real estate investment trust, sometimes known as a REIT. A passive source of income

 Your own key to unlocking the booming world of real estate without the intimidating fees and inconveniences of direct ownership of the property. Investing in real estate investment trusts (REITs) can be a dependable strategy to raise cash and create income. REITs are investments in real estate that are owned and managed by publicly traded businesses. They are obligated to distribute at least ninety percent of their net revenue to its shareholders in the form of dividends. There are a number of reasons why real estate investment trusts (REITs) can be profitable investments: Specifically, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is in charge of regulating them. Consequently, in order for them to be listed and traded on the stock market, companies are required to fulfill a number of standards. Because of these rules, financial information must be disclosed to the public, which enables investors to make decisions based on accurate information. They have been profitable for a significant amount of time. For more than half a century, real estate investment trusts (REITs) have been operational, and during that period, they have offered investors consistent income and capital growth. In addition, they are diverse. Investments in real estate can be made by REITs in a wide variety of properties, such as residential, commercial, and retail areas, as well as logistics facilities. This contributes to the diversification of risk and lessens the influence that adverse occurrences have on the returns of REITs. Without a doubt, there is no investment that is fully risk-free. REITs are vulnerable to a number of risks, including the following:  There is a possibility that real estate prices will fluctuate. There are a number of factors that might influence the price of real estate, such as the current health of the economy, interest rates, supply and demand, and overall market conditions. In the event that rents fluctuate. It is possible for rents to fluctuate depending on the supply and demand of tenants. It is possible that REITs will experience financial hardship. If it is unable to adequately manage its assets or if it is confronted with unanticipated expenses, a real estate investment trust (REIT) may experience financial difficulties. REITs, despite the risks involved, have the potential to be a dependable method of generating income and capital growth. When investing in real estate investment trusts (REITs), it is essential to conduct thorough research and select REITs that are both well-managed and have solid financials. An investment in real estate investment trusts (REITs) can be made more trustworthy by following these tips: Your investments should be diversified. You should not put all of your money into a single REIT. Make an investment in a portfolio of various real estate investment trusts (REITs) that are invested in various types of real estate instead. Pick real estate investment trusts that have a prosperous track record. With this information, you will have a better understanding of how the REIT will perform in the years to come. Pick real estate investment trusts that are well-managed. Look for real estate investment trusts (REITs) that have a good team of managers who have experience managing real estate. Pick real estate investment trusts that have solid financials. You should look for real estate investment trusts (REITs) that offer strong yields and low leverage levels. When you invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs), you can improve your chances of success by following these suggestions. A little less than fifteen percent of my portfolio is comprised of investments of this kind. To tell you the truth, despite the fact that I have rented out homes, I frequently have challenges whenever a renter vacates the premises. When it is finished, it ought to be cleaned up, and the issues ought to be corrected. The only dividends I receive from my investments in REITs are dividends. My money is distributed to me every three months. It goes without saying that taxes will always be levied on the dividend.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, January 12, 2024

The benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence. The fight right now is who will control it and how.

In today's digital era, there's a significant buzz around Artificial Intelligence. From smartphones to smart cars, AI is everywhere, revolutionizing industries, enhancing functionality, and making life simpler. However, despite its advantages, AI has a less-spoken darker side that raises eyebrows and is often the subject of concern. The advantages of AI are undeniable. It's optimized various sectors by increasing efficiency, reducing error, and facilitating innovation. In healthcare, AI performs precise diagnoses while preventing human error. In customer service, AI chatbots provide immediate responses, enhancing customer experiences. It even permeates everyday life, with AI-driven applications like Siri and Alexa making it easier to organize our lives. These beneficial influences are difficult to disregard, making AI a prominent facilitator of the modern world. Balancing these benefits has several significant disadvantages that can cause unease. The primary concern is job losses, with AI potentially replacing human roles in various industries. There's also an ethical dilemma surrounding AI, with issues like privacy invasion and data misuse, thanks to highly strategic, AI-driven targeted marketing strategies. These challenges blur the line between utility and exploitation. Perhaps the most concerning downside is the potential for sophisticated AI to surpass human intelligence, posing an unprecedented threat. Understanding the dual nature of AI, both its benefits and its threats, is critical. This knowledge allows us to navigate AI's pathway responsibly and advantageously. Businesses, governments, and individuals need to consciously engage with AI, leveraging its advantages while being proactive about managing its disadvantages. Large corporations should develop AI technology with an ethical framework to minimize risks. Governments should implement stringent regulations to ensure that AI is used for collective advancement rather than unfair exploitation. With these solutions in mind, we can ensure that AI is not just a progressive technology, but also a humane one. In general, this is the general opinion of most people. My personal concern is that now only chatbots are in reply format. But in time, I'm sure a lot of software companies will be a thing of the past. That is why the big ones in this business strive to control artificial intelligence.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Investing in a country with a similar economy to Singapore?

The economy of Singapore, which is considered to be one of the "Four Asian Tigers," is renowned for its honesty. Have you ever considered making an investment in a Singaporean economy that is both stable and growing at a rapid rate? Have you ever wondered which businesses are at the forefront of the movement to make Singapore one of the most resilient and trustworthy investment hubs in the world? Discovering strategies to include Singapore stocks in your investment portfolio is a golden opportunity that you have right now thanks to this golden opportunity. At a startling rate, Singapore is expanding its population. There is a captivating combination of stability, growth, and opportunity that can be found in its stock market. Singapore is recognized as one of the "Four Asian Tigers," and its economy is renowned for its honesty, high levels of innovation, and corporate environment that is efficient. Investing in Singapore can provide you with the opportunity to broaden the scope of your financial portfolio while simultaneously increasing the likelihood of achieving large rewards.  A select few names stand out in a remarkable way among the most successful businesses in Singapore. DBS Group Holding, a tremendously successful financial institution, never ceases to astound investors with its unwavering expansion. As well as the real estate industry with CapitaLand and the telecommunications industry with Singtel, there are other potential industries. These companies have demonstrated a great potential for consistent earnings while simultaneously retaining a robust financial health. Investors who are looking to play it safe while yet wanting to earn substantial returns will find that these stocks are among the greatest options available to them because they have the ideal combination of constant growth and promising profits. Nevertheless, why should you put your money into Singaporean stocks? To begin, the Singapore stock market is well-known for its stringent regulatory environment, which guarantees both openness and fairness. A second point to consider is that Singapore is home to a highly developed and prosperous free-market economy. In conclusion, with regard to dividends, a significant number of Singaporean companies have a tendency to provide a greater dividend yield than their counterparts in other countries, which is an intriguing prospect for investors who are focused on income. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

A dream house - my opinoin

What is the ideal house for me? First the placement. If possible, it should be on the border with a forest and a river. The sun must shine on it most of the time. It should be made of wood and have very large windows. Of course, there should be external and internal blinds. To become a completely passive house, there must be a minimum 15-kilowatt solar system on the roof or in the yard plus a battery for energy storage. This energy should independently supply all electrical consumers in the house. The house should have a heating and cooling system, using a heat pump. The water for the house should be from a well. Connected to the home system. At least 2000 square meters of land to the house. In 1,000 square meters, if possible, sow all kinds of fruit-bearing trees. Five hundred square meters is enough for vegetables and a small greenhouse. One hundred square meters for a small home fish pond. At the orchards, you can release two sheep to graze and at the same time, you can use their milk. Several hives with honey bees. A few hens to get eggs. A few logs can be injected with mushroom mycelium to produce additional food. In the vegetable garden, it should be distributed in such a way that there is also the possibility of harvesting herbs and spices. After preparing the winter food from most of the harvest of fruits or vegetables, you can sell and cover your costs for additional needs. Which you cannot produce yourself, for example, salt or sugar. Expenses for clothing or necessities you need. Such a passive house can meet your costs by up to ninety percent. If such a house is not a dream, then everything else is a luxury and already enters the column of greed.Perhaps in my fourth book, I describe something similar and give an example of a family that only supports itself without going to other work.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, December 22, 2023

How the objectives are achieved. How to act in certain situations

In fact, my whole second book is about that. How to prepare in advance. How to choose a team. How to act in certain situations. But there are several pages of Prince Till winning the duel for Princess Nessia. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary fairy tale about a prince and a princess. But if, a person can not only read but also understand and assimilate what is written. He can learn from Prince Till's actions. While everyone else is focused on showing off their skills to others and constantly staring at the princess. They lose concentration. They forget the main task. Only Prince Till is focused on the obstacles themselves. This applies with full force in our daily life. Many people are interested in what others think about his photos on social networks. How many people will like it? What blouse to buy to look good. Where to take the photo to attract the attention of others. His thoughts are focused on others, and how they praise him. It doesn't matter if, will something stupid or dangerous for him. Will these photos in time not be detrimental to him. The important thing is to get more likes. Goals are in the background. Therefore, it takes much longer to achieve them. If it reaches them at all. I soon discovered that Bill Gates was unhappy with the Internet. I have no idea exactly, but the internet is at least 70% full of nonsense. I looked at the latest study. The Programme for International Student Assessment is a test that assesses the functional literacy of students in different countries around the world and their ability to apply knowledge in practice. The results are definitely getting worse. It's because of social media. Yes, I believe that the educational system is already outdated for the time. Yes, it should be optimized. People, don't concentrate on their goals, just on social media. There is nothing rosy in our future. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Problems with energy sources

I came across an article in Visual CapitalistFossil fuels account for nearly 90 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. Energy production does not only lead to carbon emissions. This can cause accidents and air pollution, which hurts human life. Interestingly, coal produces 820 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. The Petrol produces 720 tons of CO2 per gigawatt. Natural gas produces 490 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Biomass 78-230 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Hydropower 34 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Solar 5 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Wind 4 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Nuclear energy is 3 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. More interestingly, Air pollution and accidents from the extraction and combustion of coal fuels are responsible for about 25 deaths per terawatt-hour, according to Our World in Data? Of solar, wind, and nuclear are only 0.03 deaths per terawatt-hour of eleĸtpoeĸng. What follows? We have a choice to keep harming ourselves or switch to the safer for humans as soon as possible. I know there is no magic wand to change everything overnight. But like any normal, human being it is good to do everything in our power to switch to safer energy sources as quickly as possible. In my third book 'Heir to the Dynasty' I even stress about this in general.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, December 8, 2023

Multiply your money with the dividend kings - Money as it moves/works/grows

 Some companies have been paying dividends for over fifty years. What this means. Kind of instead of getting interest from the bank. This is the one plus. The other main option is that they also increase in value. If you receive a salary and have no loans. Some numbers are accumulating in your account that you cannot spend. As it turns out, you have such an opportunity almost every month. Money is accumulating in your bank account, but is it outpacing inflation? I do not believe it. However, if you invest this excess money in a developed business/company with dividends/. You have an opportunity to manage your money. A way to make money work for you. Besides growing, you can also get interest on your money constantly. The companies listed below are proven to grow your money. American States Water, Dover, Emerson Electric, Genuine Parts,  Northwest Natural, Parker-Hannifin, Procter & Gamble, 3M, Cincinnati Financial, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson, Lancaster Colony, Nordson, Hormel Foods, California Water Service, ABM Industries, Commerce Bancshares, Federal Realty Inv. Trust, SJW, Stanley Black & Decker, Stepan Company, H.B. Fuller, Altria Group, Sysco, National Fuel Gas, Kimberly-Clark, Abbott Laboratories, Becton Dickinson, PepsiCo, Target, PPG Industries, ADM, Nucor, Middlesex, Bank of Nova Scotia, Church & Dwight, CIBC, Church & Dwight, Eli Lilly, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, General Mills, Hawaiian Electric, American Electric Power, Union Pacific, Royal Bank of Canada, Avista, MGE Energy, Bank of Montreal, Ingersoll-Rand.

The most interesting thing is that one has a choice of so many companies. These are proven North American companies. In another article, I will write about European and Asian companies.

Money as it moves/works/grows.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...