Friday, October 13, 2023

The impact of interest rates

 If interest rates go up, the cost of borrowing money will also increase. This will impact individuals who have variable-rate loans, as well as businesses that borrow money for expansion or other purposes. The higher cost of borrowing could lead to less spending and a slower economy. Investments that pay fixed rates of interest, such as bonds, will decrease in value when interest rates rise. This is because investors can get a higher rate of return by investing in other assets, such as stocks.  An increase in interest rates will cause the value of the dollar to rise. This is because investors will want to put their money in assets that will earn a higher return, and the dollar is seen as a safe investment.  An increase in interest rates will lead to higher inflation. This is because businesses will pass on the higher cost of borrowing to consumers in the form of higher prices.  A rise in interest rates will cause the economy to slow down. This is because businesses will invest less and consumers will spend less. The problem is how long this will last. As it turns out, it won't be for a year. Should we tighten our belts? Most interestingly, I expect zombie companies to emerge. Now is the time to see which companies will move forward. Which commodity is valuable to people. These companies have a future. It is worth investing more in them. Especially if they continue to pay an inflation-adjusted dividend.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Answer the questions as quickly as possible

One of the best tests for a person is to measure their intelligence. I don't think a person can be gifted in all areas. But it should definitely be able to answer certain questions roughly accurately. Because our whole everyday life is connected with questions and answers. Every morning we wake up with the thought of being good and successful. We set ourselves tasks to complete and at the end of the day, we take stock of whether the day was a success or a failure. If there is a task, there must be a solution. If there is a question, there must be an answer. Sometimes we look for answers and can't find them. Where we fail. But one can always build on oneself by learning. Especially what interests him. Below I will write you the shortest IQ test. At least that's what they call it. It consists of three questions.

1. A bat and a ball cost a total of £1.10. The bat cost £1 more than the ball. How much is the ball worth?

2. If 5 machines take 5 minutes to make 5 parts, how long does it take 100 machines to make 100 parts?

3. There is a leaf in the middle of a lake. Every day the leaf doubles in size. It will take him 48 days to cover the entire lake. Then how many days will it take him to cover half the lake?

The idea is to answer the questions in as little time as possible. Just try to answer the questions and then search for the answers. I know that on the Internet everyone can always find the answers to many things, but the idea is for you to think correctly. To solve tasks that at first glance seem very easy, but actually require more thinking. Good luck with the tasks. If you really succeed, then you can make a plan for your next goal. If not, but you have found the answers on the Internet, it is not a failure. So you have the courage to look for the answers to the tasks. I guess that's how you can also find solutions to your problems

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, September 29, 2023

The great books are now freely available in audio format

Welcome to Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is a library of over 70,000 free ebooks. Choose from free epub and Kindle ebooks, download or read online. Here you'll find great world literature with an emphasis on older works that have expired in the US. Thousands of volunteers digitized and painstakingly edited the eBooks for your enjoyment. The largest digital library in the world received an exceptionally large-scale upgrade - Project by Gutenberg. 5,000 of its titles are already available as audiobooks - and completely free of charge. No fee or registration! Everything from Project Gutenberg is free and completely free for readers. That if not wealth. With just a few clicks, you can enjoy the most read books by listening. Of course, this is the future. Many people now like to listen instead of reading. Especially the young have no time for social networks. They need to see who has done something stupid or who has photographed themselves artistically. But they may in time also start listening to audiobooks. However, let's not forget that books are man's best friend. The best advisor of mankind. History archive. Error corrector. Now more and more people must have access to the writings of the great writers. Especially people with less purchasing power.

You can get there with this link.   -

Happy reading or listening.
Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, September 22, 2023

Follow the money - a rule for every investor. Is it worth investing my money there

 Many people really follow the big players where they invest. They think that when they buy it is right and important. The big players keep an eye on the company's revenue. They are looking to take advantage of the dividend Then they can part with at least half of their investment in this company. It is more important to monitor what people like and what they spend their money on. Those companies that offer a good product have at least a few years in advance to have competition or to produce a good product themselves. But when we look at our daily lives, what we spend money on is very important. Look in the store which product runs out the fastest. Which thing is most important to us and we constantly give our money for it. Then who is the manufacturer and you can get to the important question for you. Is it worth investing my money there, so that even if I buy a product from this manufacturer, it will return to me as a dividend? This is not to be ignored. At least that's what I think. Whether the utility company or the Internet provider. Whether the local store. The idea is to answer the questions in as little time as possible. Just try to answer the questions and then search for the answers.. They are the factor, whether their goods are good and whether they will be bought. When there are many buyers for a commodity, its price rises. Or vice versa. But is it worth buying a stock that will return the money after more than twenty years? Just because she's famous. Don't allow yourself to have some bad manager during this period and drown at the end of the river.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Alternatives to get rich - Risk wins, Risk loses.

Yesterday I came across a graphic of a visual capitalist. How long does it take for money to double in different investments. For a period of nearly 100 years, it is truly impressive. Real estate is the worst. But 4.4 percent is something compared to nothing. A hundred dollars invested in a property after a hundred years becomes over 5,000 dollars is great, though. Gold 6.48 percent is better. Corporate bonds are very, very good at 6.96 percent. But Investing in the S&P 500 brings a yield of nearly 11.51 percent. This is phenomenal. This means that every 6 and a half years your money doubles. But let's not forget that if you hit the Initial Public Offering of a company that has a future and a good product. It can make you a several thousand dollar millionaire in no time. But recognizing such a company in times of huge competition is like hitting the lotto numbers. But sometimes the risk is worth it with a company with patents. But whatever you invest in brings dividends. Sometimes there is disappointment. For example, investing in a property in an area that is de-icing. When the market is calm, gold does not grow and you are waiting for a crisis. You come across a company that has appointed a bad manager and the very good company declares bankruptcy because of this bad management. Risk wins, Risk loses. But there is no alternative without risk. But let's not forget that the most that can make us very rich is something like an idea. Something you created and that is your ticket to your wealth. You can always sell the idea, but at least try to draw it or make a prototype.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Top 10 reasons to invest in Australian shares

 The Australian share market has outperformed most other developed markets over the past decade. This is due to a number of factors, including the strong performance of the Australian economy and the fact that Australia has avoided the major economic crises that have affected other developed economies. 2. Australian shares offer good value compared to other global markets. This is because Australian shares are relatively undervalued compared to other global markets. 3. Australian shares are less risky than some other global markets. This is because the Australian share market is less exposed to global economic and political risks than some other markets. 4. The Australian share market is highly diversified. This means that there are a large number of different companies listed on the Australian stock exchange, which reduces the risk of investing in the Australian share market. 5. Australia has a strong regulatory regime for listed companies. This means that companies listed on the Australian stock exchange are subject to strict regulation, which helps to protect investors. 6. Australia has a AAA credit rating. This means that Australia is considered to be a very safe place to invest, as it is unlikely that the Australian government will default on its debt. 7. Australia has a strong economy. This is due to a number of factors, including a strong export sector, a diversified economy, and low unemployment. 8. Australia has a stable political environment. This means that there is little risk of political instability in Australia, which makes it a safe place to invest. 9. Australia is a member of the G20. This means that Australia is considered to be a major global economy, and is therefore an attractive place to invest. 10. Australia has a well-developed financial system. This means that there is a deep and liquid capital market in Australia, which makes it easy for investors to buy and sell shares.

10 High-Dividend Stocks
  • Woodside Energy Group Ltd (WDS) ...
  • Australian Finance Group Ltd (AFG) ...
  • Whitehaven Coal Ltd (WHC) ...
  • GR Engineering Services Ltd (GNG) ...
  • Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG) ...
  • Cromwell Property Group Ltd (CMW) ...
  • BHP Group Ltd (BHP) ...
  • New Hope Corp Ltd (NHC)

Zimplats Holdings Ltd (ZIM)

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Nothing personal just thinking out loud.

 Soon I came across many articles against the big companies and especially against the Chinese state. How they pollute the air and harm humanity. I have nothing against the free writing of people or journalists. But are they correct in their conclusions? Let's assume that every product produced by a large company is bought by the common man. Shouldn't we pay a little attention to our own actions? Everyone goes and buys a product, for example, a phone, that is made in China. Regardless of whether it is from the company from America or Europe. Is it just a phone? For example, I know people who spit on rich companies. It is determined by their actions when they replace their TV, that it was from a few years ago, and he wants to have the latest model. Another sees that they are advertising the latest model fridge but its design is nicer and decides to renew it even if it is a payoff but he needs to be able to take a picture for social media in front of a good-looking fridge full of products. Everyone is on social networks and it does not occur to him that this software to support so many people needs more and more hardware that needs electricity. Everyone is trying to buy a new t-shirt so that people who look at his profile can say that he is chic. At the moment, there is such a euphoria in the world about the mania to own electronic money that does not stop, what resources are needed for this. They campaign in the financial media about how important it is for the future, but they don't think about the consequences. Do you think that large corporations would produce a product that is NOT in demand? If there are no buyers they will definitely reduce their production. If all other countries did not demand goods from China, would they produce them? At the moment, the situation is such that if China only closes its borders for six months, not for people but for goods that the rest of the world needs, I have no idea what could happen. Don't think China is making any toys for thrift stores. From the iPhone to the medicines of the needy. In recent years, nearly 80 percent of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. But when they become rich through their labor, they are the bad guys. In recent years, I have witnessed the politics of American presidents. They are not giving American citizens a better life, but they are struggling to slow down the Chinese economy so that it does not become the number one economy. A simple example is that they put customs duties on goods and so on, the average person simply pays more for the product. I think everyone should think about what they can contribute and not blame others for their own mistakes. For example, I don't have a smartphone yet. To use my laptop, but only for work, to write, or to quickly visit the post office. Visit Meta or LinkedIn weekly. I can't deny that every day I visit at least one financial site to get an idea of what I should invest in. Everyone is right for himself, whatever he says, but our actions must be in the right direction to protect the planet.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Investor quotes from great investors - rules for every investor

 Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in. John D. Rockefeller One of the funny things abou...