Sunday, July 9, 2023

Investing in times of crisis - My opinion

 Everything during a crisis goes downhill. As normal as a person gets sick, he is not in great shape. Mother Nature finds a way to remind us. Because people get carried away and very quickly forget themselves. Ever since the world can remember, there have been crises and there always will be. As the sieve sifts, so the market also sifts. Some will sink because they didn't do their homework. Others because they have lied. But the crisis allows the better and far-seeing. A simple example. For example, a very farsighted person even if he sees that the fruits are already despised will figure out what to do. Will make vinegar or fruit wine. You have to recognize those companies that have a future and bet on them. Not the ones you like or are well-liked by others. The biggest mistake of the small investor is to target the top ten large companies. Because their market valuation is growing by large percentages. Are their revenues growing at the same rate? Better in companies in utility services that, regardless of the crisis, we continue to use their services. But without risk, there is no future. But in most cases, now is the time to take a risk. Time will tell if the investment was worth it. In the right companies that have a future. It's good to trust your instincts sometimes.No ads and experts direct people to certain companies. I'm just expressing my own opinion on the matter. Because I do it myself.

 Author Sezgin Ismailov

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Would I invest in Canadian stocks - I only express my own opinion

Investing in Canadian stocks - Would I invest in Canadian stocks. My answer is yes.  Why. A country that is one of the most democratic. There are many well-positioned companies in the Global 2000. But one cannot invest in everything. He has to choose a company which can increase his money. In practice, there are also many that are related. I personally would choose only five companies. I will not mention it. The first is in the finance sector. You can pick two but split equally between the two. The second is in transport with railways. The third one is in the energy sector. Fourth necessarily which extracts raw materials. Fifth necessarily with real estate management. That's basically my motto no matter where the companies are located. We always make the best choice by sympathy or what is drilled into our memory from advertisements. But it is better to check back at least ten years to see if these companies were doing well. The other option is to buy from those companies that you really use. So that your money, which you use in everyday life to charge your car or the bank that serves you, also earns from you.  In Canada, there are many penny stocks that are not to be underestimated. Always gather information then invest your money. Don't blame someone else for bad choices. Nothing is ever guaranteed to be good forever. I only express my own opinion. I am not agitating anyone towards anything.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Book awards, a step towards success for authors

Is there any greater recognition for the author of a book than to know that his books are being read? There should also be book prizes. Where he competes with his colleagues for a better book. Plus, the thought of winning is a nice thrill. Like any competition, the author analyzes his work. It is not normal for the first loss to give up. After two or three races, he can take action to make it better or change the way he writes. To choose a genre in which he may be better. It is not exactly decided to write fiction because more is sought after. If he writes poems, there are also many contests. The biggest problem for writers is reaching their readers. At such a time, one of the important things is to win some awards for his book. In addition to giving him optimism, there is also a small advertisement that can bring more readers. There are many book awards. In order to find out exactly which one is for you, you need to browse the Internet and collect information. All this requires a lot of time. That's why I recommend BOOKAWARDPRO. It will save you a lot and direct you where you need to apply for awards and reviews.

Sezgin Ismailov

Thursday, June 15, 2023

In fact it's probably the most competitive industry in the world.

To the attention of anyone who wants to write books. In general, everyone has something to say to the world. To just write a book and have it as trophies is not a challenge. But the moment you finish it you think it's so easy. Why don't you keep going. I can do it.Then it makes you think of the next one.  By the time you go to publish it the problems start. You consult someone and they encourage you and come on to the next step. At the moment you've already published it and you're expecting sales and you wonder if I wrote it so badly . Do you dislike my story so much. Strange even acquaintances don't say anything to me. The disappointment begins. Really if you don't trust yourself you give up . Well, I tried. But at night when you go to bed the thoughts of the second book come and you don't know what to do anymore. You start getting interested in other authors on social media. But every new idea gives you light and you go looking for another publisher again. Because you don't like what you've chosen. If you really want to succeed this industry is not small. In fact it's probably the most competitive industry in the world. I personally thought of writing two or three books first and then advertising. I didn't care if they sold .I do it for fun. Not that they don't sell at all. For example German in Germany are sold with hard cover or soft cover. But the English one was lame to me. Why. I didn't even have a smartphone . But there is linkedin and facebook. Reserved only for people I know. I don't like publicity that's why I wrote under a pseudonym. I started reading and already understood before starting what to do. Nearly two years I researched . I now know the formula myself. But my best advice is to start by reading from the Dave Chesson-Kindlepreneur blog. There is no better information elsewhere and possibly summarized . I have no idea but this blog if you haven't read it don't hope to succeed. At the very least it will shorten your time by one or two years for success. This is not advertising but just advice to new colleagues

Sezgin Ismailov

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Golden Pen Awards awarded the author Sezgin Ismailov

As I write in my books, every action or diligence pays off in time.
I often didn't expect, it but gladly accepted my reward. 
The Gold Author in the self-improvement category is a great honor for me.
I regret that I was not present at the awards.
But she came to me. Thank you to those people or organizations that suggested me.
Thanks to the organization that awarded me.
Thanks for sending me the prize.
This gives me an incentive to keep writing.
By the end of the year, my third book will be published in English and German. In a few months, I hope to finish my fourth book.
All the stories in my books start with proverbs about life that I have to come up with.
 I have been reading books all my life.
So much that I don't remember how much anymore.
I have had a photo in the newspaper from the library as a regular reader.
I have won awards as an athlete.
Mathematics Olympiads as a student.
To win a writing award is an achievement for me.
Now it's time for me to give people the lessons, that I have learned from life.
Thanks to the readers from Turkiye.Thank you to CINIUS YAYINLARI  for translating and publishing my book.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

When we help others, we feel like we're part of something bigger than ourselves.

 The joy of giving: It's no secret that giving feels good. When we give to others, we receive a boost of happiness and satisfaction. But why is this? There are a few reasons why giving brings us joy. First, giving makes us feel connected to others. When we help others, we feel like we're part of something bigger than ourselves. This sense of connection is vital to our happiness. Second, giving allows us to express our values and beliefs. When we give, we're affirming our belief in something - whether it's a cause we care about, or simply the act of being kind. This helps us to live a life that is in line with our values, and that is a key ingredient for happiness. Finally, giving helps us to focus on what's important in life. When we're focused on giving to others, we're less likely to get wrapped up in our own problems and stresses. This shift in perspective can be a huge mood booster. So next time you're feeling down, try giving to someone else. It just might make you feel a whole lot better. Why giving makes us happy: As we've seen, giving brings us joy for a number of reasons. But what is it about giving that makes us happy? One reason is that giving activates the pleasure centers in our brains. When we do something nice for someone else, we get a shot of dopamine - the feel-good chemical that gives us a natural high. Another reason is that giving makes us feel good about ourselves. When we help others, we see ourselves in a positive light. We feel like we're good people who are doing good things. This boost to our self-esteem can be a big mood booster. Finally, giving gives us a sense of purpose. When we're focused on helping others, we're less likely to dwell on our own problems. We feel like we're part of something bigger and that our lives have meaning. This can be a huge source of happiness. So next time you're feeling down, try giving to someone else. It just might make you feel a whole lot better.  How giving can improve our lives: Giving doesn't just make us feel good - it can also have a positive impact on our lives. For one thing, giving can improve our physical health. Studies have shown that people who give regularly have lower blood pressure and longer lifespans. Giving can also improve our mental health. People who give are less likely to suffer from depression, and they report higher levels of satisfaction with their lives. Finally, giving can improve our relationships. People who give are more likely to have strong and supportive relationships. So if you're looking for a way to improve your life, try giving to others. It just might be the best thing

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

  How to see challenges as opportunities: In today's world, it's easy to get bogged down by challenges and start to see them as insurmountable obstacles. However, it's important to remember that challenges are actually opportunities in disguise. By reframing your mindset and looking at challenges as opportunities, you can open yourself up to new possibilities and start to see the silver lining in every situation. Facing challenges head-on: One of the best ways to overcome challenges is to face them head on. It can be tempting to shy away from difficult situations, but it's important to remember that you're much more likely to succeed if you confront challenges head on. This doesn't mean that you should charge into every situation without thinking, but it does mean that you shouldn't be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there. Overcoming adversity: Adversity is a part of life, but it doesn't have to be a roadblock to success. In fact, overcoming adversity can actually make you stronger and more resilient. If you find yourself facing tough times, remember that it's not impossible to overcome them. With perseverance and determination, you can push through and come out the other side even stronger. Triumph in the face of adversity: When faced with adversity, it's important to remember that you have the power to triumph. No matter how difficult the situation may be, you can overcome it if you have the right mindset and the willingness to fight. Never give up, and always believe in yourself. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...