Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Her hikaye günlük ilişkiler ve her insanın hayatta karşılaştığı şeyler hakkındadır.

Geleceğimiz için hangi seçimleri yapmalıyız?
Gerçekten nasıl biri olmak istiyoruz? Her gün nasıl kendimizi hissetmek istiyoruz? Ne kadar arkadaşı olmalı insanın? Hedeflerimize nasıl ulaşabiliriz? Kısacası hayatımız nasıl geçmeli?.. Bütün bunlar varisin Max tahtına yetiştirilmesinden öğrenilebilir. Max'ın eğitiminin son aşaması, farklı Krallıklardaki insanlarla ve olaylarla karşılaşmak. Her hikaye günlük ilişkiler ve her insanın hayatta karşılaştığı şeyler hakkındadır. Doğru seçim, harika ve huzurlu bir yaşamın formülü. 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪,2030666884.html 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 👉🔑🎁📖🏪 Yazar Sezgin Ismailov

Saturday, May 6, 2023

The risks of mutual fund investing . I personally don't prefer them

A mutual fund is an investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities. These securities can include stocks, bonds, and other assets. Mutual funds are managed by professional money managers, who use the pooled money to buy securities that match the fund’s investment objective. 

 2. Why you should invest in a mutual fund: Mutual funds offer a number of benefits that make them an attractive investment option. For example, mutual funds provide diversification, which is a key element of risk management. Diversification means that a fund invests in a variety of different securities, which can help offset the risk of any one security declining in value. 

 3. The benefits of mutual fund investing: In addition to diversification, mutual funds offer other benefits, such as professional management, liquidity, and affordability.

 4. The types of mutual funds available: There are many different types of mutual funds available, including stock funds, bond funds, and money market funds. Each type of fund has its own investment objective and risk profile. 

 5. How to choose the right mutual fund for you: When choosing a mutual fund, it is important to consider your investment objectives and risk tolerance. You should also consider the fees and expenses associated with the fund. 

 6. Tips for investing in mutual funds: There are a few things to keep in mind when investing in mutual funds. First, remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results. Second, don’t chase performance. And third, diversify your portfolio. 

 7. The risks of mutual fund investing: As with any investment, there are risks associated with mutual fund investing. These risks include market risk, interest rate risk, and credit risk.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Which people are racist. I'm just saying my own opinion.

 Born in a country other than my mother tongue.

Now I live in another country that doesn't like either my mother tongue or the country where I grew up.

Over the years, I have become convinced of one thing, which people we call racist.

People are intellectually poor. It turned out that these people are not only mentally more backward than their fellow citizens, but they are also financially poor. But there are definitely people who always blame other people for their failures. They don't like to help their fellow man. They always find a way to criticize instead of lending a hand. I don't think they are a majority. They definitely don't have the necessary first seven years of education. They define themselves as higher than others. They think that everyone is stopping their progress, of course, as they have not made any effort to do so. In the modern world, it is rare for an ordinary person to go to extremes. But definitely, when these people are at the top of the power it is already dangerous. They like to manipulate others with the leverage they are given. Once they reach the top and all the instruments are in them, they can contribute to human disasters. I don't think an Asian is any less or more than an African. The same goes for an American or a European. /God /Mother Nature/Energy /has given the variety to make life wonderful. All humans share the same physiological needs. Everything else is based on greed and upbringing.  I also became convinced that the negative energy that they send helps many people to reach their goals

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Monday, April 10, 2023

My opinion is that anyone who wakes up in the morning and breathes and can fulfill his duties is rich

When people feel poor, it is often because they are living in poverty or near poverty. Poverty can be caused by a variety of factors, including low incomes, lack of education and skills, limited access to jobs, and high costs of living. Mindset can also play a role in how people perceive their financial situation. People who believe they can never get ahead or that money is the root of all evil are more likely to feel poor, even if they are not. The economy also plays a role in how people feel about their finances. When the economy is struggling, people are more likely to feel poor, even if their personal financial situation has not changed. Ultimately, it is a combination of these factors that can lead people to feel poor. Poverty is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, understanding the causes of poverty can help to create policies and programs that can make a difference. 

 My opinion is that anyone who wakes up in the morning and breathes and can fulfill his duties is rich. Physically rich when he is healthy and has all the organs he needs to live.

He is mentally rich when he knows that his daily ration contains enough calories for the energy of his body. Financially rich if he has his favorite activity to do for the day. Everything else falls into the category of luxury and greed. I also open a bracket for those who help others with their earnings. We admire the monks, but we want everything that everyone else has. Human desires have no end. And Mother Nature has given us air, water, sun, earth, and everything else we need to live for free.

Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, March 26, 2023

There are different types of success, too.

 Success is a tricky thing to measure. Some people might say that success is achieving your goals, while others might say that success is simply being happy and content with your life. There are a lot of different factors that contribute to success, and everyone has their own definition of what success looks like. Some people might measure success by how much money they make, while others might measure success by how many people they help. There are all sorts of different ways to measure success, and what matters to you is entirely up to you. There are different types of success, too. Some people might find success in their careers, while others might find success in their personal lives. There’s no wrong way to find success, and whatever makes you happy is what matters. No matter how you measure success, or what kind of success you’re looking for, remember that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Just keep working hard and never give up on your dreams.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Saturday, March 11, 2023

You can now listen to my first book

 I am pleased to present to you that my book Manners in the Great Kingdom in English and German versions has been released as an audiobook. Anyone can already listen to it if they don't feel like reading it. The titles of the stories alone are enough to make one think whether it is worth listening to. 1. The lack of knowledge and laziness are the biggest enemies 2. A person always has a choice 3. Strive to work on what brings you pleasure 4. If there is hope, there will always be a future 5. There is no more valuable than health  6. If you are confident and stubborn, you will achieve your goals   7. The Lord gives, but we must make an effort to take it 8. The most difficult words to say are "Thank you" and Sorry  9. It's hard to win a real friend, but it's easy to lose a friend 1o. What we say or do is the result of our thoughts  11. To forgive means to clear yourself of the burden of your soul    12. Joy is an inspiration for optimism and energy  13. When you are helping other people, you are also helping yourself  14. If you want to stop drinking, look at the nondrinker   15. It is difficult to remain silent, it is important to listen and understand   16. Envy is a waste of time and future  17. The greed has no measure 18. What you sow, that what you reap 19. You can only give, what you have  20. Inactivity doesn't make things better  21. Ignorance is a barrier to achieving happiness and success  22. Affection is a spark, love is an eternal flame  23. If you want health, you need willpower and habits  24. The lie is stronger at the moment, but the truth becomes stronger in the future  25. Whatever you give, you'll get it  26. You want happiness - you must be sincere and grateful  27. Our destiny is what we had planned and decided... 

It is still spreading and within a few months, you will find it in many more places on the Internet.

For now, I can post a few links for which the content is already available.

in English

Happy listening

Monday, March 6, 2023

Losing can help us to learn from our mistakes

Losing is an essential part of life. It is impossible to win all the time, and losing is a necessary part of the learning process. Losing can teach us valuable lessons and help us to become better people.  There are many benefits to losing. Losing can help us to learn from our mistakes, to become more humble, and to develop a greater sense of empathy for others. Losing can also motivate us to work harder and to become more determined to achieve our goals.  In order to use losing to our advantage, we need to accept it as part of life and learn from it. We should not be afraid to fail, and we should view each setback as an opportunity to grow and improve. There is an old saying
When you lose something, you don't know what you can gain.
 Author Sezgin Ismailov

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...