Friday, November 18, 2022

The lesson is that in life sooner or later we have to help ourselves. By taking actions that benefit ourselves.

 Just talking does not help us.  We definitely have to act. Two boys often went with their father to collect wood in the forest. Once their father said: "Children, go get wood by yourself!" "That's right, Dad," said the boys.  "What if the car breaks down, who will fix it for us?" "If your car breaks down, son, call out trouble."She will do it for you. The two boys listened to their father. Harnessed the oxen. They went to the forest. Chop wood. They loaded the car well. You left. Won't you, their car broke down in the middle of the road. The boys stopped and started shouting: "No Trouble , No Trouble!" Come fix our car! They shouted, they shouted, no one called them. It was getting dark, and there was no trouble yet. At last the younger boy said: Father, this damned trouble will not come. It got dark already. Let's get on our own and fix our car as much as we can! The two boys took the ax and the adze. They bent down and a click here, a click there fixed the car. When they left, their father asked them: "Well, how did you spend your time in the forest? " "Leave it, Dad!" they said. Our car broke down in the middle of the road. We screamed, screamed the cursed trouble, we cleared our throats, but she didn't call us. We saw that he would not come. We took the ax and the adze and repaired the car as best we could. "There, my son, this is trouble!" said their father. "You called her, and she was with you. " Since there was no one to fix your car, you fixed it yourself. In other words, your misfortune has fixed it. The lesson is that in life sooner or later we have to help ourselves. By taking actions that benefit ourselves. Just talking does not help us. We definitely have to act.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Learn to manage money not have it.

Much has been written on this subject, but I am expressing my opinion.
First, you need to know what a stock is and how many types there are.
Second, you need to have some idea of accounting.
At least be a little familiar with assets and liabilities.
Then think about which business has the future to target that niche. Then review the Global 2000 of the big companies. Then look at the Fortune 500 of the largest firms. Then track which countries have growth potential. Assess which goods and services have huge potential. There is a lot of information on publicly traded companies. Read and read again about the company you are interested in. Get to know it. The better you get to know it, the more information you gather. Nothing is certain in this world. Like a hotel chain, but a new crown comes out and can crash the stock. You like a snack chain, but there's a big gaffe going on with menu cleanliness and ingredients, and the competition takes advantage. The most important thing is to like the company and have as much history with it as possible. But don't overlook the upstarts who have a future in time. The risk is sometimes worth it. Companies that produce robots or software have a future, but the question is which one will establish and hold more. It all comes down to the management of the company. That's why people always talk about the CEOs of giant companies. Whoever had a successful advertising company succeeded with more sales. Not that he had better-quality merchandise. I love dividend stocks. You invest, but you get income. Kind of like usury. If a company pays a dividend, it means it makes a profit. But someone may have taken out a loan just to pay a dividend. You have to watch their balance sheet. But one should definitely invest. Because their money in jars is not increasing but losing value with inflation. You have 10,000 dollars in the bank or in your savings. On the same date, when you put it in, look at how much a particular item costs at the store. In two years, go and look at the price of the commodity and draw your conclusion. With the money that you had, you could have bought, say, 10,000 pieces, assuming that the item was priced at $1. And after two years, the commodity has become $1.20. How much product would you buy? Certainly less. This is why money likes to move, not sit. Learn to manage money, not have it.

 Author Sezgin Ismailov

Are you going to be a long-term investor or a short-term trader?

 The basics  When it comes to choosing stocks to invest in, there are a few basics that you need to understand. The first is that there are two main types of stocks: common stocks and preferred stocks. Common stocks are the most popular type of stock and they are what most people think of when they think of stocks. Preferred stocks are a bit more complex, but they can offer some advantages over common stocks. The next thing to understand is that stocks are bought and sold on stock exchanges. The most well-known stock exchange in the United States is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), but there are also exchanges in London, Tokyo, and other major cities. When you buy a stock, you are buying a piece of a company that is listed on one of these exchanges. Lastly, you need to know that there are different ways to make money from stocks. The most common way is to simply buy stocks and hold onto them, waiting for the price to go up so that you can sell them for a profit. However, there are also other ways to make money from stocks, such as short selling and dividends.  How to choose stocks to invest in: Doing your research .Once you understand the basics of stocks, it's time to start doing your research. The best way to find good stocks to invest in is to use a stock screener. A stock screener is a tool that allows you to filter stocks based on certain criteria. For example, you can use a stock screener to find all the stocks that are trading below their 52-week high. When you use a stock screener, you can also set up alerts so that you will be notified when a stock meets your criteria. This is a great way to find stocks to invest in, because you can let the screener do the work for you. How to choose stocks to invest in: Deciding what to buy  .Once you've found some stocks that you're interested in, it's time to start deciding what to buy. The first thing you need to do is figure out your investment strategy. Are you going to be a long-term investor or a short-term trader?  If you're a long-term investor, you're going to want to buy stocks that you believe will increase in value over time. For example, you might want to buy stocks in companies that are growing rapidly or that have a lot of cash on their balance sheets.  If you're a short-term trader, on the other hand, you're going to be more interested in stocks that are volatile and that move up and down a lot in price. These stocks can be more risky, but they can also offer the opportunity for quick profits. 

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, November 11, 2022

An ordinary person's opinion about cryptocurrencies ..

I am not very familiar with these currencies. I have an overview of the net and the gossip around it. The advantages of cryptocurrencies. The only thing I understood well is that they use blockchain technology which brings innovation to many other things on the web. The cons of cryptocurrencies. That is, there is no control body. Each country has one currency. But anyone good with a computer can make cryptocurrency. As far as I know, there are already over 5000 species. I won't be surprised if they become over a hundred thousand cryptocurrencies. Anyone who thinks any subsequent cryptocurrency will be able to hold their own is saying. Let me buy, I have a chance to get rich quick. He is quick to invest. What is he investing in...I have no idea. Fintex-type money transfer app with a variable value. But ask yourself the question. As long as there are heads of government and very powerful banks, will they leave the people alone to do whatever they want. Over time, whichever bank has a lot of clientele will also tune in and make its own cryptocurrency and charge for transactions. I think the biggest problem is saving your password or really knowing it. 
If you forget it, what do you do? I have no idea what happens when the owner of these cryptocurrencies dies. You go to a normal bank with your passport or a certificate for the heirs and you have the option of getting your money back. Yes, if you want to buy something illegal, that's great. To pass tax-free is great. But if we don't pay taxes, even if we have all the cryptocurrencies, who will take care of the infrastructure and order. For example, let's say a big company like Amazon makes a cryptocurrency and says it only accepts payment in that currency. You walk into Walmart and it only accepts its currency. You go to McDonald's and she wants you to pay with their currency. What does the average citizen do? Must have a smartphone. Please do not confuse the password every time to make a transaction from one currency to another. Yes, a big deal as it only pays for transactions. Without any intention, you go on a trip to a country in a hotel where he has already paid. But there is no cigarette shop there. He goes to the nearby village, but unfortunately, he has no range and what he does ...... I think that the disadvantages are much more than the advantages of cryptocurrencies. Yes, if they are digital currencies of continents /Latin America, North America, Europe, and Asia + one as a pillar of the others. For example only up to five maximum, with control from all nations. And if it is dug in only one place untouchable for people to whom the whole world is to blame and think how to harm, then maybe there is a future. It's one thing to watch a fantasy movie, it's another to live a fantasy life. A third of the world still doesn't even have clean water to drink. But this wandering of many cryptocurrencies will someday lead to the proper digital currencies. I don't want to predict, but it will be the big financially and digitally advanced protected states. I can't help but add the cost of mining energy. Where we must protect nature.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Despite the risks, investing in Chinese stocks can be a very profitable venture.

 I personally invest in Chinese and Hong Kong companies. I prefer red chips with dividends.The benefits of investing in Chinese stocks are many and varied. For 3 thousand years it has always been number 1 in terms of financial indicators. For the last hundred years it has been overtaken by America. But she wakes up again. On the one hand, China is the most populous country in the world with a rapidly developing economy. This provides a large potential market for companies that can take advantage of it. In addition, China is home to many fast-growing industries, such as technology and healthcare, which offer investors a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of promising companies. The risks of investing in Chinese stocks are also significant. China's stock market is notoriously volatile, and investors can quickly lose a lot of money if they don't know what they're doing. In addition, the Chinese government has a history of intervening in the stock market, which can create uncertainty and lead to abnormal price fluctuations. Despite the risks, investing in Chinese stocks can be a very profitable venture. Those willing to take the risks can be rewarded handsomely if they choose the right companies. Additionally, there are a number of ways to mitigate the risks, such as investing in companies that have a history of success in China or investing in ETFs that track the Chinese stock market.

 Author Sezgin Ismailov

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

In most cases the good sellers win. This is the reality.

A few truths about real life  The famous phrase about the apple and Rockefeller is true for me . But only if you really follow the rules of "The World's Greatest Salesman". Indeed after reading Og Mandino's book
one can change one's mind about one's abilities. After deep thought , I really come to the conclusion that no matter what skill you have . What product you have invented , does not reach more people to approve the benefit of your skills or products remains in your story . While some who master the art of selling benefit from a good product and skills and succeed more in life . Everyone knows about the recipe of Coca Cola , the service system of Mcdonalds i guess there are many others . So if you want to have more in material terms you have to be a very good salesman or a very good manager who has good employees /salesmen/. In the current real life very often we come across products manufactured in the same place . Not only the packaging is different , also the price. In most cases the good sellers win. This is the reality.


Monday, October 31, 2022

The manufacturing companies the new power and future

New opportunities, new horizons. The use of robotics creates more opportunities for innovation in new businesses and opportunities for growth. Yes, cutting manpower but improving quality. Throughout human history, start-ups have played a key role in creating new industries and providing economic opportunity to the wider society. Startups often incubate an entirely new type of industry that technology accelerates. Robot companies represent businesses that have grown over the past decade, as well as industries that have been disrupted by the advances created by those businesses. These improvements continue to create unexpected opportunities for startups and large businesses alike. I assume that these companies described below will be the engines of the production sector in time. Especially if they manage to implement artificial intelligence in their machines. Regardless, there are already many robots created by them involved in the production cycle. I don't want to predict, but in fifteen years, production will be over 60 percent by robots than by humans. "ABB ", "Universal Robots Technologies ", "iRobot ", "Yaskawa", "Fanuc", "Zebra Technologies", "Yamaha ", "Nvidia ", " DENSO", "Midea Group", "Kuka", "Mitsubishi", "Adept Technology Inc", "Apex Automation" "Aurotek ", "Stäubli", "Kawasaki ", "Robotics ", "Siemens", "Honda", "Toyota", "SIASUN", "ESTUN", "EFORT", "JAKA Robot", "Panasonic", "Hyundai ". These are just the famous names. But you can always look for something you like to invest in.
Author Sezgin Ismailov

A small task of great importance to any investor.

This is not a question for traders, but for investors. Assume that you know a noble, rich person who believes in you. He agrees to give you ...