Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Words versus actions

 Basically, the words are spoken by everyone, but the words of the politicians are mostly heard and commented on. During the years for which there are at least some writings, the words of politicians, kings, and emperors were always directed at someone or against the enemy. Even modern politicians of small countries allow themselves to often blame someone for the obstacles to the development of their people. Politicians of powerful countries always target other powerful countries to get elected. But they always forget to turn their words for the welfare of their people into action. In the modern world, where information reaches many people very quickly and we wonder at the stupid statements of candidate politicians, regardless, we go to elect them again. Why, we know them, and we do not trust the unknown or the new. I only know that for as long as the world can remember, almost nothing has changed in the political sector and the promises of politicians. However, there have always been visionary people who take advantage of politics and make quick money. Now almost the whole world has paid attention to the election of the new American president. Everyone comments from their own point of view. If he sympathizes with him, he defends him with all the shortcomings of the front management. If he is not his favorite, he finds flaws in all his words, grimaces on his face, and people who support him. I am not the person who can give him an assessment. But I know with this new president, the whole world won't be bored. He loves demonstrations and loud words. As he says, of course, every American will become rich and their credit will disappear. Not to mention the Indians/Americans on reservations/where their lives will turn into a fairy tale. Every town and village is already on the ground in order. I'm sure that some well-wishers who supported him, no wonder, begging for money to search for new horizons on Mars, will get money After all, everyone holds a unique perspective. We can't blame them for everything. There is one more thing I can add. It always or more often, happens that those who have the highest expectations are disappointed. Because direct help always leads to opposition to people's feelings. The only thing I cannot accept is that all American politicians forget that their roots are from the whole world.

Monday, October 28, 2024

What is politics? Quotes from personalities

For people, it is a method of solving problems in a democratic way. But I can mention what a man told me in 1989. For as long as the world can remember, it was getting better, but it didn't get better. Take care of yourself. But my opinion is no different than that of people who have been saying for 3000 years that politics has not changed at all. I'm just going to quote a few people in general about politics.

The oppressed are allowed every few years to decide exactly which representatives of the oppressor class will represent and oppress them.'

Karl Marx

Politics is not a game. This is serious business.

Winston Churchill

Politics has nothing to do with morality.

Niccolo Machiavelli

In politics, stupidity is not a disadvantage.

Napoleon Bonaparte

If voting changes anything, they will make it illegal.

Emma Goldman

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the big ones to public office.


It is enough for people to know that there was an election. People who vote don't decide anything. The people who count the votes decide everything.

Joseph Stalin

Politics: A struggle of interests disguised as a contest of principles. Conducting public affairs for personal gain.

Ambrose Bierce

Man is by nature a political animal.


They say politics is the second oldest profession. I learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.

Ronald Reagan

As a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word.

Charles de Gaulle

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, misdiagnosing it, and applying the wrong means.

Ernest Benn

There is a politician hiding under every stone.


The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks"

 The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks" is an expression of paradox and absurdity that occurs in various situations in life. Wh...