A member of the ancient world's silent intellect, Aspasia brought with her words of wisdom that have stood the test of time. Born in Miletus, she resonated with the intellectual world of Athens with her wisdom and intelligence. This extraordinary woman of ancient times shed light on the dark social fabric of the period, emphasizing that females should be able to make their voices heard. Challenging tradition, Aspasia argued that women's education was not only a right but also an indispensable necessity for the progress of society. To her, knowledge was a light that enlightened people; this light was a right for women as well as men. According to her, a woman who does not have a formal education is naive about her own capabilities and the world at large. The search for wisdom from women was an integral part of society's struggle for enlightenment.In Athens, Aspasia was more than simply a friend or wife; she was a mentor and an inspiration to a statesman like Pericles. Her wisdom, oratory, and worldview left their mark on Pericles' speeches and the political atmosphere of Athens. It is as if she lived to show the world that women could be not just figures but active elements of thought and action. Aspasia's life, thoughts, and wise words reflect the natural philosophy of the Milesian philosopher Thales. In her perspective on human relationships, Aspasia embodies Thales's notion that all things are interdependent parts of a larger whole. According to him, society can only be completed with the equal contribution of men and women. This woman, who mixed love, wisdom, and the deep connections of the universe, made the idea of the "unity of love and intelligence" the basis of her life. Aspasia's voice resonates today, transcending her time. What he said about freedom, education, and the role of women in social life is an inspiring mirror even today. His enlightened stance demonstrates that love and reason are not mutually exclusive but rather work hand in hand. As we commemorate Aspasia's memory, we take a deep breath with her words, not only for women but also for humanity: "Wisdom shines with love in the depths of the soul; only the free mind can find it." Those who seek knowledge of the universe can look to Aspasia's legacy for direction. Her voice transcends time, emphasizing that women's struggle for equality and freedom is a crucial step on the path to wisdom. And this step opens the way to the true enlightenment of societies.To Aspasia and all women who embody her essence,
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Putin praises Bitcoin
I guess that Putin wants to use this uncontrolled money, if it becomes international money, as quickly as possible. He knows that this will be the beginning of the downfall of America. After all, their strength is in the dollar. But basically, every empire collapsed with help from within. There is one unknown answer for all. The Russians think that this was developed by the CIA. Americans think it was invented by the Japanese secret services. The Japanese think it is a development of the Chinese. Politicians think that there is a conspiracy against democracy, because if they do not control it to distribute the portions/budget, then it is anarchy. The business wants this because it will keep its money closer and will not look for offshore companies and so on. Optimists perceive immediate profits, while pessimists believe that the game will eventually end and that this is the largest pyramid scheme of the century. The head of Facebook is inwardly happy that one day his Libra coin will be legalized and will be the strongest of all others. I guess the bosses of McDonald's, Walmart, Amazon, and others with many clients are secretly hoping that this will happen and that they will make some such coin. All banks are dying of fear that they might become redundant. Those who are aware of the technology see competition from Western Union and the like. Dark side hackers see how they will make their biggest hits in time. I can write many more examples. Everyone sees things from their point of view. But when we look at the fantasy movies, there they still believe in money from precious rare raw materials. Time will determine who is correct and who is incorrect.
Friday, March 8, 2024
With regard to cryptocurrencies, I believe that they are either gold or casinos.
In recent times, there has been a great deal of discussion around cryptocurrencies. Due to the fact that I have already written an article about them, my view cannot be altered. It is possible that I will overlook anything significant for them and the advantages that they would provide. In order to look and read, I have logged into a significant number of forums. In each and every venue, Mr. Buffett is praised for his excellence as an investor. On the other hand, the same individuals also extol Bitcoin. There are, without a doubt, individuals who openly express their opposition to these crypto currencies. I wanted to find out where Mr. Buffett had placed his money and what his opinion was on the matter. It is his judgment that they do not carry a coefficient of useful action, and he has not made any investments for this reason. Exactly the same is my viewpoint. Bitcoin is also compared to gold in online forums. No words come to mind. Gold, in addition to being a raw resource that is utilized in a wide variety of applications, ranging from manufactured goods to ornaments, may also be traded for anything. One way to think about Bitcoin is as a form of cryptographic lottery. In addition to bitcoin miners and traders, the only chance for other people is that additional money will come in, which will allow them to profit, lie, and forecast when the price of bitcoin will go up. alternatively, for the price to drop and for the market to be volatile enough to allow for sales. This idea is only going to excite folks who are looking to become wealthy in a short amount of time. Although it is possible that this could be advantageous for certain people as a lottery and calculation, I do not believe that there is a way out of making a real investment in a business or creating surplus value through the use of cryptocurrencies. Just how many people would be content to get a salary like that? Additionally, there is uncertainty. This type of money that is created by governments has a way out. due to the fact that they might be regulated and, in some way, not have a lot of volatility. Just for a moment, let us say you receive a wage, but the next month, you are uncertain about your level of life. Consequently, I am unsure if it is a Ponzi scheme or simply a situation in which a large number of individuals potentially lose a lot of money that they have worked very hard to obtain. When we talk about a casino, we are referring to a place where you have to place a lot of bets, and the danger is not that you have invested in the company; rather, the risk relies on luck. It is one thing to put money into a company, but it is an entirely different thing to wager on a card, a chip, or a brand new game. If you have a sense of when people would buy or when they would sell anything to make a difference, then your chances of winning here are greater than those of winning the lottery. This, however, is not an investment; rather, it is a casino. This is not a personal attack; I am simply expressing my own opinion.
Author Sezgin Ismailov
Saturday, February 17, 2024
The repercussions of war on human beings have been studied.
So, who exactly is to blame? Put your hand up and think about it. Will there be a detrimental impact on humanity as a whole at the end times? When the time comes, I suppose. The reasoning that led to the rise of dictatorship in some countries brought about by particular persons. In order to achieve their goal of fame, they will do all in their power to make the presence of humans miserable. They look for methods to bring evil into the world rather than concentrating on the positive aspects of the situation. They have faith that it will propel them to the status of superstars. To put it another way, all they want to do is begin fighting. War breaks out amongst nations as a direct consequence of this. What is more, this is something that worries every single one of the other countries. For the same reason that the rest of us do, other outstanding leaders want to feel protected. In order to better support military operations, the funding has been increased. As a consequence of this, other programs, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, will either need to reduce their budgets or increase the salaries of public personnel. The military industrial complex is detrimental to all aspects of society and the environment. Although wealth is something that everyone has, those who are in positions of power are the ones who truly grasp the significance of power. For all living creatures, death is an unavoidable circumstance. There are certain individuals who, for whatever reason, will do whatever in their power to shorten the lives time of others. There is no resonance with me in this. Assuming that we have got at the topic of a person's upbringing. What is the reason that global organizations are in existence? The employees there are only paid a salary, and they are not given the opportunity to fulfill their contractual obligations. At initially, I had a negative attitude towards globalism. On the other hand, I have come to realize that this is possible for the typical individual to find a solution to their difficulty. In a perfect society, there would be no conflict because there would be only one authority that was recognized on a worldwide scale. This will, in the majority of instances, result in less paperwork. In the event that the general populace becomes dissatisfied, the numerous international leaders are among the few individuals who are capable of being ousted from power in a short amount of time. Having a Control group is essential to the operation of any organization. This is due to the fact that we are going to return to our Wild West roots. As far as I am aware, despite the fact that people have claimed to have made progress over the course of thousands of years, very nothing has changed. I am currently working on my fifth book, which is a biography of a real-life historical character. I felt compelled to acquire information about these deserving folks because their names were left as a stamp on the envelope. The level of my comprehension throughout the time when I was collecting the data was so limited. All that has happened is that there has been no change at all. Recent years have seen the development of completely new tools for the workplace. The only exception to this rule is information that is primarily of a historical character. I met an old man in 1990. Today, I am still able to hear him. Despite the fact that people have been getting well for a considerable amount of time, nothing has improved as much as it should have, Sezgin. Put together a strategy to guarantee that you are healthy. As a matter of fact, I concur with him. All of us, in the end, are accountable for the choices that are made with the money that we pay in taxes and the politicians that we choose to represent us.
Author Sezgin Ismailov
Sunday, October 23, 2022
What I think about the rich and the poor dad
When it comes to the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," a lot of people have read it, but how many of them have actually learned something from it, and what have they used it for in their own lives? What I discovered will be shared with you. There were two things that really stood out to me as being quite significant. The first time was when Rich Dad issued a challenge to them, asking them to discover or think up a job that was superior to the one he had given them. To a certain extent, one is never content with what they receive. It does not matter how much money they pay us; we will never be content with our work. Both assets and liabilities are discussed in the second part. There is nothing novel about it. The term "assets" is used to describe what is appropriate for us or what we are seeking for in order to improve our wealth. This is the most fundamental explanation. By exercising a little bit of patience and removing some of the "PASSIVES" that are not necessary, they are able to consistently tempt us to make purchases. Yes, we are able to afford them; however, if we only put them off for a bit after we have made the money work for us, it is not a secret that those who manage money do not spend it and instead keep it in the vault. They give it to enterprises that are already operating in order to help them expand. The act of investing in a company is a very great thing to do. You not only have the opportunity to improve your wealth, but you also have the opportunity to contribute to the creation of new employment opportunities. I find that I need to reread a book whenever I find that I am unable to comprehend it, but there are certain novels that should be read on an annual basis. It is very easy for people to forget. On the other hand, individuals exchange inspirational sayings and statements on social media, but they do not spend more than a few minutes assimilating them and putting them into practice in their own lives. Hearing or reading about it is one thing. This is something else that needs to be comprehended and utilized.
Author: Sezgin Ismailov
Sunday, October 16, 2022
A person's best friend and most reliable source of assistance is probably the book.
The book is likely to be a person's closest companion and the most dependable source of support it can provide. Reading books is the cornerstone upon which knowledge is constructed. You are able to read anytime you want, wherever you are, and even if you only have a few sources available to you since reading gives you the ability to read. Reading has a lot of advantages, and this is only one of them. Books can be read for a variety of reasons, including social and individual benefits, both of which are impacted by the environment that you are surrounded by, whether it be inside or outside. Therefore, in order to reduce the amount of information that we feel the need to read, we ought to make an effort to provide an answer to the following question: With regard to yourself, what do you discover? A person's information is an investment, and the act of reading itself is an investment. It is imperative that you consider the information you read. There is a possibility that you will fail to see mistakes that have already been implemented by other people. It would be irresponsible of us to ignore the reality that books are a repository of information about the world. In a more expeditious manner, we will be able to move closer to achieving our goals and dreams together. If you want to be successful, the first rule is to invest in knowledge or the information that is relevant to your goals. From my point of view, this is not the only available option. A significant number of individuals have proved, over the course of a considerable amount of time, that this is the correct course of action for mankind to adopt in order to make progress. When a person's level of knowledge improves, they experience a decline in their desire for material prosperity. This is because knowledge is a form of knowledge. Whatever the case may be, if you are in possession of information, you are always capable of dealing with any situation at any moment. This makes the book potentially your greatest companion and the most valuable individual you will encounter in your life.
Author Sezgin Ismailov
The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks"
The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks" is an expression of paradox and absurdity that occurs in various situations in life. Wh...

Being wealthy is not a terrible thing; nevertheless, we must also make time to cultivate our mental and spiritual richness in order to exper...
The book is likely to be a person's closest companion and the most dependable source of support it can provide. Reading books is the co...
What is the solution to this puzzle? Obstacles are something that are bound to be encountered in any activity, regardless of whether it is...