Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2024

What are the obligatory questions we should ask ourselves at the end of the year?

 "What did I achieve this year?" is extremely important as it allows us to reflect and evaluate our achievements in the past year. This is a period in which we can boast about our successes as well as deal with our failures or shortcomings.. It is important to be objective and recognize our achievements, but we also need to set new goals and strive for a better future. "What were the biggest challenges I faced and how did I overcome them?" Each of us faces specific obstacles – whether they are personal or professional. In this paragraph we must ask ourselves about the moments when we felt the heaviest and how we found the strength to overcome them. Reflecting on how we have dealt with these challenges can teach us a valuable lesson for the future and give us confidence in our ability to deal with adversity. "How have I grown personally and professionally?" Growth is an important part of our personal and professional development. The process of growing up helps us develop skills, knowledge and experiences that help us achieve new achievements and take on new challenges. Personal growth includes the development of our personality, self-confidence, courage and the ability to adapt to change. Professional growth is related to the acquisition of new skills, the promotion of career development and the achievement of a higher professional position. To achieve growth, we must be open to new opportunities, learn from our mistakes, and have a constant drive for self-improvement. "Was I happy and fulfilled this year?" Happiness is more than just a feeling of joy and contentment. It is also an experience of exciting moments, achievements and connections with people who enrich my life. And despite the challenges and restlessness that the year brought us, can I confidently say that I was happy and fulfilled this year? "How have my relationships with family, friends and colleagues developed?" My relationships with family, friends and colleagues go through various stages and changes over time. It is important in the family to be close and supportive of each other. Over the years, despite the distances and busyness, we manage to maintain good communication and see each other regularly. Friendships that develop through shared interests and support in difficult times are also important. At work, it is important to be responsible and committed to the team. Through open dialogue and cooperation, we manage to maintain good relations with our colleagues. "Are there things we would do differently?" Why do we regret the times we didn't act differently? Don't these moments provide opportunities to change our lives to make something better? When we look back in time, do we realize that we had the chance to do things better but didn't take them? How can we use these moments of regret as lessons to avoid repeating the same mistakes and strive for better decisions in the future? “Did I achieve my goals for the year and what are my goals for next year?” When we reflect on our goals for the past year, it is important to ask ourselves two key questions: “Did I achieve the goals I set for myself this year?” and "What are my goals for the next year?". This process of introspection helps us evaluate our achievements and set new goals. It enables self-evaluation and planning, which is essential for continued personal and professional growth. Setting realistic and measurable goals for the coming year can be extremely motivating and give direction to our efforts. "How has my physical and mental health been this year?" This question covers not only our physical condition but also our mental well-being. It makes us think about our habits – eating, exercising, sleeping and coping with stress. Understanding these factors is key to maintaining good health and can prompt us to make positive changes in the future. "What new skills or knowledge did I gain?" Many people ask themselves the question: "What new skills or knowledge did I acquire this year?". This question is important for self-analysis and personal development. It helps to realize how much we have developed, be it through professional development, hobby or personal skills. Reflecting on the learning and experience we have gained is key to fostering our continued growth and development. "Did I maintain a good balance between work, leisure and personal interests?" Many people wonder if they have maintained a good balance between work, leisure and personal interests during the year. This issue is key to ensuring a harmonious and healthy lifestyle. Finding the right balance can be challenging, but it's important for our physical and mental well-being. Reflecting on how we have balanced the various aspects of our lives can help us make adjustments and improve the quality of our lives in the future. Lao Tzu has given many answers to our questions.If you're feeling depressed, you're probably living too much in the past. Because when we are in a negative mood and can't get rid of sadness or disappointment, we often think about past events that hurt or caused us pain. If you feel anxious, you live in the future. This means that your attention and thoughts are focused on events and situations that have not yet happened. If you are at peace, then you are living in the present. In peace we find peace and harmony that allow us to enjoy life in the moment. Instead of worrying about the future or regretting the past.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Black cumin craze - does it really help health?

 Recently, there is a craze in Germany to consume black cumin or its oil. I have no idea about other countries. They are definitely crazy about him here in Germany. I visited quite a few sites to actually find out if this is the case. I read quite a few comments and article. One article is described as the gold of the Pharaohs. In others, it is written about him in the Bible and the Koran. There were quite a few comments on Amazon. I definitely know from my parents that everything in small quantities is useful. And if possible, use seasonal foods. Always not to eat the same food, one after another for the day. I respect every herb. Because if the Lord created, then it has a purpose in this world. At least to keep the balance. Almost everywhere it is claimed that: Black cumin is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and copper.Most articles state that black cumin may have benefits for: Immune System: Can stimulate the immune system and fight infections. Inflammation: May have anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in chronic conditions such as arthritis and asthma. Digestion: May improve digestion and relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal problems. Diabetes: May help regulate blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Cardiovascular health: May lower blood pressure and cholesterol. About Cancer: Quite a few experts say that black cumin may have anti-cancer properties. Skin and Hair: Can be used to treat skin problems such as acne and eczema, as well as stimulate hair growth. How do they consume it. Seeds: Black cumin seeds can be added to salads, soups, rice dishes, breads and other dishes. They can be chewed whole or ground into a powder. Oil: Black cumin oil can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, added to smoothies, or used topically on the skin. Tea: You can make tea from black cumin seeds by steeping them in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Dosage: The recommended daily dose of black cumin is 1-2 teaspoons of seeds or 500-1000 mg of oil. At least that's how it's written in many places. The most interesting thing in the Amazon reviews about black cumin is that you can find besides the positive opinions. Few and miraculous events. So what, they might be right. Still, faith keeps us going. I already bought half a kilo of seeds for my salads. I plan to try chewing with honey. Not that I need to right now, but like any human being I should try. From experience, the head does not hurt. For me, Swedish bitters is the universal medicine. There are also many articles about losing weight with black cumin. Apparently this is the new fashion. Hopefully there will be results for people.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, January 1, 2023

When you’re healthy, you feel good and have more energy to do the things you enjoy.

1. The importance of health: Everyone knows that health is important, but what exactly does that mean? Well, being healthy means more than just being physically fit – it means being mentally and emotionally healthy too. Good health is the key to a happy and fulfilling life, and it’s something that we all should strive for.  2. The benefits of being healthy: There are countless benefits to being healthy. For one, you’ll have more energy and feel better overall. You’ll also be less likely to get sick, and if you do get sick, you’ll recover more quickly. Being healthy also boosts your mood and helps you to better cope with stress.3. The best ways to maintain good health: There are many things you can do to maintain good health. Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all important. You should also avoid smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and using drugs.  4. The dangers of neglecting health: Neglecting your health can have serious consequences. If you don’t take care of yourself, you’re more likely to get sick, and you may not live as long as you could. Neglecting your health can also lead to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. 5. The role of health in overall happiness: Health plays a big role in overall happiness. When you’re healthy, you feel good and have more energy to do the things you enjoy. You’re also less likely to experience negative emotions, such as stress and anxiety. Being healthy can also help you live a longer and more fulfilling life.

But it is better to read how I told it in the story with Max in my book.

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...