Showing posts with label effort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label effort. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Lord gives, but we must make an effort to take it

When Max passed by the apple tree, he saw a ten-year-old boy crying. He went near him and asked:  -Hi, boy, What's wrong? Why are you crying?  And the boy answered him with the following words:  - Hi, my father always says if I really want something, I have to pray to the Lord ten times and it will happen. Every day I pray to become rich like the rich children, to have a bigger horse, and to have a better home. Today I asked the Lord to give me the best apple from the top of the tree to eat, but something didn't work, even the apple didn't fall down. The Lord doesn't seem to like me.  Max quietly pulled a coin out of his pocket and picked up a stone from the ground. He held a coin in one hand and a stone in the other. 

 - Tell me, which one you will choose? - asked Max. 

 - The coin. – said the boy. 

 - Ask Lord ten times that you want a coin," said Max.  You can continue to read from the book.  

MANNERS IN THE GREAT KINGDOM   The tendency to take the blessings that God bestows on us for granted is a betrayal of their miraculous value. When we are determined, patient, and willing to work hard, we will find what we are looking for. 

 Author: Sezgin Ismailov

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