Showing posts with label brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brain. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Eight logic puzzles to train the mind

Not only the body, but also the brain, needs training.

1. How many spoons should be placed on the table where a mother, father, and all their children are sitting—three boys who have a sister each—so that there is a spoon for each?

2. You participate in a race. You overtake second in the race. What position are you in?

3. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add another 20. Add another 1000. And another 10. What's the final result?

 4. If it rains at 00:00 at night, can you expect sunny weather after 72 hours?

 5. On the same shelf in the study of a scientist, there were two books next to each other. One was 230 pages, and the other was 325. How many pages are there between the first page of the first book and the last page of the second book?

 6. At the dawn of cinema, an American movie theater began to lose money. Spectators were angry with the ladies who refused to remove their hats in the hall and thus covered the screen. What is the cheapest and most effective solution to this problem?

7. A man is tossing and turning in his bed and cannot sleep. He picks up the phone, dials a number, waits a bit, puts the device down, and falls asleep. Why couldn't he fall asleep before?

8. You are in a room with no windows and a hermetically sealed (ideally smooth and gap-free) closed door. The room is cylindrical, and you are in the center of it. The entire interior of the room is lined with mirrors. The question is, how many of your own reflections do you see?


1. Six spoons because there are three boys and they have one sister.

2. You are second.

3. Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.

4. No, because in 72 hours it will be night again.

5. Between these pages are only the covers of these two books.

6. At the entrance to the cinema, they put a sign: "We kindly ask all ladies to remove their hats during the film." This rule does not apply to elderly women.'

7. His neighbor was snoring loudly, but after the ringing, he woke up.

8. None, because there is no light coming in from anywhere and it is dark.

The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks"

 The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks" is an expression of paradox and absurdity that occurs in various situations in life. Wh...