Friday, February 28, 2025

The Two Most Valuable Assets - Health and Time

 In our fast-paced world, we often forget about two of the most valuable things in life—health and time. They are inextricably linked, and investing in one invariably leads to benefits for the other. Health—the key to a longer and more fulfilling life. Health is the foundation on which we build our lives. When we are healthy, we have the energy and the opportunity to enjoy every moment. We can work, have fun, travel, and take care of our loved ones. Unfortunately, many people realize the value of health only when they lose it. Don't wait for this to happen. Start taking care of yourself today: every day is valuable time for you. Eat healthy: Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Limit processed foods, sugar, and saturated fats. Exercise regularly: Find a physical activity that you enjoy and try to practice it for at least 30 minutes a day. Get enough sleep: Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. A prime example is the Japanese. They are not overweight and have the longest life expectancy. Manage stress: Find ways to deal with stress, such as meditation, yoga, or walks in nature. Get regular checkups: Early detection of health problems can save lives. Investing in your health buys you time When we take care of our health, we not only feel better, but we also increase our life span. This gives us more time to enjoy the things we love, spend time with our loved ones, and achieve our goals. Time is our most valuable resource. Don’t waste it by neglecting your health. Invest in it, and you will enjoy a longer, happier, and more fulfilling life. Time and health are interdependent. Take care of your health, and you will have more time to enjoy life. No matter how much material wealth we have, it cannot be compared to health. Because I have not heard or seen anyone take anything to the other world except themselves.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Description of my first book- Manners in the Great Kingdom:

 Max's stories with the wise people  The choices which we make for our future, who we really want to be, how we want to feel every day, how many and what friends we need to have, what the biggest obstacles are for us, and how we would like our life to go on—all that can be learned and understood from the good manners of Crown Prince Max. The final stage of Max's training consists of meetings with people and events in the different kingdoms. Each story is about everyday relationships and the personal experiences in his/her life. The right choice is the formula for a beautiful and peaceful life.

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Saturday, February 22, 2025

If the work had an end, your grandfather would have already finished it.

Folk proverb—Many people, at first, will think that this folk proverb is used to express the idea that the work or task being discussed is endless or very difficult to complete. But the truth is very different. People keep working and think that they will succeed and that there will be an end to it someday. But when their strength leaves them, they realize that no matter what they have done, there is still no end. Therefore, a person should also find time for their family and friends.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Beschreibung meines vierten Buches - „369 Stunden Strafe“

Das Leben eines reichen Teenagers in einem Landhaus. Der junge Mann Tim ist der Sohn eines Millionärs, aber unzufrieden mit seinem Lebensstil und steht vor der Herausforderung, ihn zu ändern. Nachdem er gegen seine Eltern rebelliert und sich weigert, zur Schule zu gehen, wird er bestraft, indem er für fünfzehn Tage zu einer armen Familie aufs Land geschickt wird. Während seiner Zeit dort freundet er sich mit den Kindern der Familie an, lernt neue Fähigkeiten und versteht, dass finanzieller Reichtum nicht das Wichtigste im Leben ist. Er lernt etwas über Unabhängigkeit, Spaß ohne Geld und die Werte von Freundschaft, Familie und Liebe. Nach zwei Wochen erkennt Tim, dass seine Instinkte ihn nicht getäuscht haben und dass es eine Welt gibt, in der Moral, Verpflichtungen und Freude zusammenpassen. Seine Gedanken der Unzufriedenheit verwandeln sich in Gedanken, die nach Lösungen für Probleme suchen. Er ist dankbar für seine Chance, mit dieser finanziell armen, aber intellektuell reichen Familie gelebt und gelernt zu haben.

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Description of my fourth book - "369 Hours of Punishment"

The life of a rich teenager in a country house . 
The young man Tim is the son of a millionaire but is dissatisfied with his lifestyle and faces the challenge of changing it. After rebelling against his parents and refusing to go to school, he is punished by being sent to live with a poor family in the country for fifteen days. During his time there, he befriends the family's children, learns new skills and understands that financial wealth is not the most important thing in life. He learns about independence, fun without money and the values of friendship, family and love. After two weeks, Tim realizes that his instincts have not deceived him and that there is a world in which morality, obligations and joy go together. His thoughts of dissatisfaction turn into thoughts that look for solutions to problems. He is grateful for his chance to have lived and learned with this financially poor but intellectually rich family.

Expect it in a week or two in all electronic stores. You can also order it from bookstores within a month. The book is available in hardcover and softcover as well as an e-book.

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Saturday, February 15, 2025

If you don't sow something, you won't reap anything.

 The message of the proverb emphasizes that nothing comes for free and that success requires action and investment. It reminds us to be active, not to be afraid to make efforts, and to believe that our actions will lead to the desired results.

If you want to have a good job, you need to learn and develop.

If you want to have many friends, you need to be sociable and interested in other people.

If you want to achieve success in sports, you need to train hard and dedicate yourself to your goal.

Ultimately, the proverb "If you don't sow something, you won't reap anything" is a reminder that life is like a garden—what you plant, that's what you will reap. The problem is that only politicians who are hungry for power and money often forget themselves and sow hatred between people, and only they benefit. And people suffer with their emotions.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Description of my second book - The Wealth of the Great Kingdom

 How Prince Max finds an opportunity to realize his dream. To build schools in his kingdom with funding from other kings and merchants. In which children from other kingdoms can be educated. They can receive proper education and training so that they can apply it in their kingdoms and thus change their way of life for the better. He makes sure that he has support from his loved ones. He trusts every piece of advice from his subjects so that his endeavor can have a successful end. In the process of reaching his goal, Max meets the love of his life, as well as secret problems that must be solved before the goal is finalized. Many people understand his method for achieving his desire. Which gives a chance, without much financial resources, united in a common goal, to succeed with their dream. Max is convinced that life will give us what we want when we have put in the effort and patience.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Description of my third book - "The Heir of the Dynasty"

A secret organization led by an ancient royal family is hidden behind the walls of a centuries-old castle, away from the gaze of the world. The kings have reached elderly age and are looking for heirs. They understand that they can dominate countries, but not their children or time. Their daughter Nesia, whom they know nothing about, has been wandering the world for almost 20 years. Their son Henry is adamant about not returning to the castle and continuing the family duties; instead, he has dedicated himself to his medical career and lives in America. Their grandchildren lived regular lives, oblivious to their royal heritage. The castle's rulers feel it's time to look for someone to take over their responsibilities. Henry's son is a student and is unaware of his grandparents' past. Nesia’s daughter knows nothing about her family background because she was raised by Nannies. Grandchildren Max and Mary, ignorant of their grandparents' true objectives, are subjected to a series of behind-the-scenes tests and tasks designed to test their knowledge, intelligence, and bravery. 

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The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks"

 The proverb "Water treads, thirsty walks" is an expression of paradox and absurdity that occurs in various situations in life. Wh...