Sunday, December 15, 2024

Putin praises Bitcoin

 I guess that Putin wants to use this uncontrolled money, if it becomes international money, as quickly as possible. He knows that this will be the beginning of the downfall of America. After all, their strength is in the dollar. But basically, every empire collapsed with help from within. There is one unknown answer for all. The Russians think that this was developed by the CIA. Americans think it was invented by the Japanese secret services. The Japanese think it is a development of the Chinese. Politicians think that there is a conspiracy against democracy, because if they do not control it to distribute the portions/budget, then it is anarchy. The business wants this because it will keep its money closer and will not look for offshore companies and so on. Optimists perceive immediate profits, while pessimists believe that the game will eventually end and that this is the largest pyramid scheme of the century. The head of Facebook is inwardly happy that one day his Libra coin will be legalized and will be the strongest of all others. I guess the bosses of McDonald's, Walmart, Amazon, and others with many clients are secretly hoping that this will happen and that they will make some such coin. All banks are dying of fear that they might become redundant. Those who are aware of the technology see competition from Western Union and the like. Dark side hackers see how they will make their biggest hits in time. I can write many more examples. Everyone sees things from their point of view. But when we look at the fantasy movies, there they still believe in money from precious rare raw materials. Time will determine who is correct and who is incorrect.

1 comment:

  1. Opinion of a friend
    I'm really not familiar with this matter.
    If it is assumed that I have been using PayPal or an ATM card for a long time, then I really like the payment to be digital. Great. But I wouldn't keep my money in something that today is valued at one loaf of bread, tomorrow in two loaves, and on the third day there is no bread. Or I go to work, and I know that with what I earn, I will have enough for food and to afford, for example, some clothes, but the next moment there is a drop in the price, and I have to wait for someone to pay for my food. I imagine a government official receives a salary with such a digital currency that changes its value constantly; what anarchy can happen! Also, I don't think central banks would want to be out of a job. At least the politicians who are waiting to collect money from taxes and spend it on infrastructure or whatever you imagine. If this is decentralized, it may be something for a certain circle, who have a lot of money and wonder what new thing to invent for better speculation. The transition to digital technology is inevitable. But it will be controlled.


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