Friday, September 6, 2024

Man's only rival is his own potential

 Man's only rival is his own potential. Man's only failure is to fail to develop his own potential.These are the words of Abraham Maslow. I guess you've heard of his pyramid. "Maslow's Pyramid"

Physiological needs - those necessary for life, such as food, water, shelter, clothing, sex, recreation.

Security needs - those that ensure the physical and mental protection of the person and give him confidence - reliable work, pension system, working conditions, etc.

Affiliation needs - those that attach to someone or something - friendship, family, love, participation in a group, membership in an organization, etc. Esteem needs - including self-esteem, through which a person feels himself to be a person who is useful and significant to himself and others. This includes things like confidence, status and achievements.

Need for self-actualization - a need that enables a person to express and develop his full potential. As Maslow himself says, "What a man can be, he must be." Maslow himself divides needs as follows:

Physiological: food, water, sleep, health, air.

Existential: shelter, safety, security.

Social: social connections, communication, affection, concern for others and attention to self.

Prestigious: self-respect, respect from others, recognition, achieving success and high appreciation, development at work.

Spiritual: knowledge, self-realization.

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