Friday, September 13, 2024

A small task of great importance to any investor.

This is not a question for traders, but for investors. Assume that you know a noble, rich person who believes in you. He agrees to give you the sum of one million to buy a financial asset, a commodity, or it doesn't matter what you want, but with a condition. You are not allowed to sell what you buy for at least 10 years. After ten years, if it has maintained its price or increased after its sale,. You can expect a profit sharing + BGN 100 thousand as a bonus that you did not lose in your judgment. If it has lost its value, you will not receive a share of the profit or the bonus that was promised to you. Now just think that this amount is a hundred million. Your promised bonus is $10 million. You have to invest this in whatever you want. Whether honey, oil, stocks, wine, or whatever you decide to properly earn,. With a smaller amount, you would even react emotionally and act a little hastily. But with the larger amount, you have to invest your mind as well as emotionally. Not everyone has this amount. Not everyone can make that much money in a lifetime. This means putting in the effort and gathering information. Regardless of whether you're a beginner or not, it's still something you can win. To prove yourself. Whether it's someone else's money or your own, always gather some information. Try to see into the future, not rely on quick profits. They say patience always pays off. Because if you believe in something and it has a future, it can thank you.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Start with small capital and turn it into a profitable business.

 The Future of Technology:  hydro, aquaponics, and aeroponics. The ever-changing landscape of technology can be difficult to keep up with. However, if you're someone who likes to be on the cutting edge of things, then you'll want to know about hydro, aquaponics, and aeroponics. These are three innovative new methods of growing plants that are taking the world by storm. The Benefits of Hydro, Aquaponics, and Aeroponics If you're looking for a more efficient and sustainable way to grow your plants, then you should definitely consider hydro, aquaponics, or aeroponics. These methods of growing plants use less water and energy than traditional methods, and they can be done indoors, making them ideal for urban areas.  How Hydro, Aquaponics, and Aeroponics Work Hydro, aquaponics, and aeroponics are all based on the same principle: plants are grown without soil. Instead, they are grown in water or in a mist. This may sound strange, but it's actually a very effective way to grow plants. The Future of Food: Hydro, Aquaponics, and Aeroponics The world's population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, and traditional methods of farming will not be able to keep up with the demand. This is where hydro, aquaponics, and aeroponics come in. These methods of growing food are more efficient and sustainable, and they will be essential in feeding the world's growing population.  The Future of Farming: Hydro, Aquaponics, and Aeroponics Farming is changing, and hydro, aquaponics, and aeroponics are leading the way. These methods of growing plants are more efficient, more sustainable, and more productive. They are the future of farming, and they will help to feed the world's growing population. My view is that it has a great future. Arising from circumstances and causes that move progress.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A little announcement before the book interview

We know that people's greatest wealth is health, family, friends, and knowledge. We learn from wise people, from books, from school, and from folk tales told by people with whom we come into contact. Valuable stories in the books tell about people's lives, their mistakes, and how to learn. Books are a source of information. Whether the book or the e-book is present, Knowledge is the preparation or the key to the door through which we must go. There is no better friend and guide than a good book. I recommend you read a good book. Written by me. I am adding a bit of my interview for more information. When you read the interview, you might think about the book more seriously. This book is everything. What were some of the emotional and moral guidelines you followed when developing your characters? When developing my character, I followed several emotional and moral guidelines. First, I wanted my characters to be of different ages and classes. I didn’t want them to be just good or bad, but to have positive qualities. Second, I wanted my characters to grow and change throughout the story. I didn’t want them to be static figures, but to learn and develop over time. I wanted readers to see how my characters deal with challenges and become successful people. Third, I wanted my characters to be inspirational. I wanted readers to be able to relate to them and hope to be like them. I wanted my characters to show that it is possible to overcome adversity and achieve something great. I believe I was able to achieve these goals with my character.  -the entire interview

Friday, September 6, 2024

Man's only rival is his own potential

 Man's only rival is his own potential. Man's only failure is to fail to develop his own potential.These are the words of Abraham Maslow. I guess you've heard of his pyramid. "Maslow's Pyramid"

Physiological needs - those necessary for life, such as food, water, shelter, clothing, sex, recreation.

Security needs - those that ensure the physical and mental protection of the person and give him confidence - reliable work, pension system, working conditions, etc.

Affiliation needs - those that attach to someone or something - friendship, family, love, participation in a group, membership in an organization, etc. Esteem needs - including self-esteem, through which a person feels himself to be a person who is useful and significant to himself and others. This includes things like confidence, status and achievements.

Need for self-actualization - a need that enables a person to express and develop his full potential. As Maslow himself says, "What a man can be, he must be." Maslow himself divides needs as follows:

Physiological: food, water, sleep, health, air.

Existential: shelter, safety, security.

Social: social connections, communication, affection, concern for others and attention to self.

Prestigious: self-respect, respect from others, recognition, achieving success and high appreciation, development at work.

Spiritual: knowledge, self-realization.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Rules and guidelines to be happy and satisfied with life

 In his books, the author explains the journey of Prince Max through different stories. It's historical fiction, so you might think this book is just for kids, but that's not the case. It is more beneficial for adults. It contains numerous stories with different morals that can change the way people think about their future, daily life, friendships, love, and success. The story reveals Max's daily life experiences, his meetings, duties, upbringing, morals, values, and how he relates to it all. Max's stories can help you with Planning for the future: The future is in our own hands. A subtle set of attitudes leads a person to a prosperous future. Encounters with prominent personalities and careful observation of attitudes led Prince Max to a great future. A prince's education is preordained to make him worthy of the throne upon which he is to sit. These steps are critical: • Find out what kind of future you want. • Find your passion. • Use your strengths. • Always find motivation. • Don't hesitate to start the process. • Work on your plan and start implementing it. Friendships: Discipline, determination, and friends are the key to success. A person is defined by their company. When your friends are right, they will act as catalysts for your success. Prince Max recognized the importance of real friendships. You can find out how he dealt with this art in the story. Everyday life: The everyday life of managers differs from that of ordinary people. Life should have a routine or structure for mental, physical, and emotional well-being. You can achieve this by taking some time each day. In the book, you will find many things that can help. Facing Obstacles: It is not a trait of the successful to break down when they encounter obstacles. The management of such events makes a great man great. When obstacles and challenges come their way, savvy people do the following: • Don't complain • Stay positive • Face them head-on • Control emotions • Act wisely with a backup plan. Personal Development: The subject of self-assessment and personal development is subtly treated in the book. Children and adults can learn from Prince Max's stories and incorporate the vital components of a perfect personality into their own. With each story, the reader gets a message and moral. Each message and moral can help in different aspects of life.  Success is not just about going to college, getting a job, and earning a living. It’s about being happy and content in life. Successful people are always willing to learn more and better their skill sets. They invest in themselves by having knowledge about the industry, their field of work, the economy, and other aspects that affect it. To be successful, one needs to invest in themselves first by learning the rules of success.  

Manners in the Great Kingdom

A small task of great importance to any investor.

This is not a question for traders, but for investors. Assume that you know a noble, rich person who believes in you. He agrees to give you ...