Saturday, August 17, 2024

A little brain training

8 fun riddles that will make everyone think

Task1: How do divide 5 apples, among five people, so that one of them remains in the basket?  

Answer: One of the five must take his apple with the basket

Task 2: The person who does it doesn't need it. The person who buys it does not use it. The person using it doesn't even know about it. What is it? 

Answer: Grave.

Task 3: A dog tied on a nine-meter leash walks two hundred meters. How does he manage to do it?

 Answer: The dog's leash is not tied anywhere.

Task 4: A man drives a truck. His headlights were not on. There was no moon. A woman started to cross in front of the machine, but the driver managed to see her. How?

Answer: It was just a clear, sunny day

Task 5 : What sign must be placed between 5 and 6 so that a number greater than 5 but less than 6 is obtained? 

Answer: A comma should be inserted.

Task 6. Where there are rivers but no water, there are cities but no buildings, there are forests but no trees?

Answer: On the map.

Task 7. If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can it be expected to be sunny in 72 hours?

Answer: No, because in 72 hours it will be night again.

Task 8. A hotel has seven floors. On the first floor, they accommodated 4 people, and on each subsequent one, two more than the previous one. On which floor is the elevator called most often?

Answer: To the first.

1 comment:

  1. You can buy the book Manners in the Great Kingdom from amazon e-store


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