Sunday, July 28, 2024

Is it worth Investing in VISA? A Professional Insight on Your Financial Growth

Are you a novice investor trying to find your footing in the whirlwind world of finance? Or perhaps a seasoned participant, searching for a solid addition to your portfolio that offers stability and growth? The sheer number of investment opportunities present today can be overwhelming. This multitude of available options, despite being b
eneficial, often leaves investors unsure and unconfident about making the right decision. Among the myriad of potential investments vying for your capital, one company consistently stands out – VISA.  Investing in the stock market is not for the fainthearted, as we are reminded all too frequently by sudden market fluctuations and unpredictable shifts in economic forecasts. You’re surely conversant with the fact that wrong investment decisions can cost you dearly. That's why it's so crucially important to make informed moves, based on thorough research and calculated predictions. When considering a company like VISA, it may seem like a golden opportunity, but is it right for you specifically? Is investing a portion of your hard-earned cash into VISA stocks truly a prudent move? VISA is an industry heavyweight with a massive global presence - solid reasons to consider it worth your investment. As a worldwide leader in digital payments, VISA facilitates electronic transfer of funds throughout the world, something that’s only escalating in our increasingly cashless society. This means potential significant returns for its investors. Despite temporary downturns faced due to the global pandemic, VISA has seen consistent long-term growth. It's essential to bear in mind that VISA’s business model is based on transaction volume and not on lending, freeing it from the risks associated with credit. Add to this, the company’s relatively low operational cost, innovative roadmap, and strategic mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships. It's clear that VISA provides a robust platform, primed for scalability and resilience amidst global financial ebbs and flows.  VISA's foundation is built on a trusted brand, a state-of-the-art technology base, and an omnipresent network. Both authoritative and approachable, the company consistently forms alliances with various industries and consumers across the world, proving itself to be a remarkable financial pillar. This unique combination has fostered impressive returns for its investors over the years.

This is my personal opinion.

In principle, for me it has a future, if the Chinese payment system does not enter very strongly in India, Pakistan and other large African countries.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Eight logic puzzles to train the mind

Not only the body, but also the brain, needs training.

1. How many spoons should be placed on the table where a mother, father, and all their children are sitting—three boys who have a sister each—so that there is a spoon for each?

2. You participate in a race. You overtake second in the race. What position are you in?

3. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add another 20. Add another 1000. And another 10. What's the final result?

 4. If it rains at 00:00 at night, can you expect sunny weather after 72 hours?

 5. On the same shelf in the study of a scientist, there were two books next to each other. One was 230 pages, and the other was 325. How many pages are there between the first page of the first book and the last page of the second book?

 6. At the dawn of cinema, an American movie theater began to lose money. Spectators were angry with the ladies who refused to remove their hats in the hall and thus covered the screen. What is the cheapest and most effective solution to this problem?

7. A man is tossing and turning in his bed and cannot sleep. He picks up the phone, dials a number, waits a bit, puts the device down, and falls asleep. Why couldn't he fall asleep before?

8. You are in a room with no windows and a hermetically sealed (ideally smooth and gap-free) closed door. The room is cylindrical, and you are in the center of it. The entire interior of the room is lined with mirrors. The question is, how many of your own reflections do you see?


1. Six spoons because there are three boys and they have one sister.

2. You are second.

3. Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.

4. No, because in 72 hours it will be night again.

5. Between these pages are only the covers of these two books.

6. At the entrance to the cinema, they put a sign: "We kindly ask all ladies to remove their hats during the film." This rule does not apply to elderly women.'

7. His neighbor was snoring loudly, but after the ringing, he woke up.

8. None, because there is no light coming in from anywhere and it is dark.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Faith in pharmaceutical companies

I had an interesting conversation with people who have a very bad opinion of pharmaceutical companies. They were convinced that they were a company that wiped out the human population. They didn't even want to hear my opinion. That's why I took the liberty of writing it here. As far as I know from history, without vaccines and medicines, man could hardly prolong life. I am not an advocate or a spokesperson. But my opinion is that the word medicine means to cure. Regardless of whether it is an herb or a tea made from different herbs or minerals, aren't medicines made from them? It was chemistry. Aren't these ingredients from our planet? Isn't the research done based on what can stop the causative bacteria? A drug had to be discovered for a minimum of seven years. Not in a year. Don't we live in the era of fast communications and fast computers? It's one thing to discover the formula; it's another thing to produce the drug itself. Don't the big companies have research centers? Don't they get government subsidies? Which politicians would vote money to cut their constituents? What company would want to destroy its customers? There is no logic. I admit that if a drug helps one, it can harm another. Everyone organizes the reception differently, and therefore there are opportunities for problems. But, in general, not believing them is insulting. However, the hope is in this. Until we get into a situation, but with climate change and the melting of the ice, what diseases will befall us? Hygiene is the number-one factor. Healthy food is number two. Sports and maintaining the body are number three. But medicines will always be a necessary spare part of many people's lives. Let's hope we don't have to use them.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It's time to redefine your understanding of wealth because wealth isn't about the display;

Have you ever wondered why the super-rich, with wealth far exceeding that of average millionaires, opt for a lifestyle draped in far less ostentatious, yet more power-imbued style? What is the secret that separates these billionaires and millionaires, particularly when it comes to displaying their wealth? The distinction lies not merely in the zeros that add to their bank balance but rather in their attitudes, tastes, and principles that govern their wealth display. As captivating as it may sound, it's the humble approach the wealthiest keep towards their life that encourages them to lead an unpretentious and less flamboyant life, in contrast to the typical millionaire archetype. The first trait that you'll notice is the super-rich's inclination towards subdued opulence. Instead of public extravagance, they prefer inconspicuous consumption, viewing their riches as a tool for their distinctive way of life, not a baton to bathe in unabashed luxury. It's the discretion in consumption that the super-rich find more appealing, where quality prevails over quantity, and experience over materiality. Luxury cars, diamond-studded accessories, massive mansions may appear to be an obvious depiction of wealth. Still, the reality is, they are more often signs of aspiring wealth, not the wealth achieved. Unlike the millionaires, who may rush to display their new affluent status, the super wealthy are often quiet about their fortune. There is a secret language that the super-rich have, that is not in the overt display of wealth but in the pursuit of a life rich in experiences, personal development, and contributing back to society. Your billionaire living next door might have a luxurious lifestyle but in a perpetually understated manner. They may opt for an experience at an exclusive retreat rather than a high-end resort, prefer handmade craft above flashy brands because the luxury for them is in the subtlety of experience and the pursuit of understated excellence. It's their secretive recipe for a satisfying life, entailing a deeper gratification than what tangible assets could offer. The super-rich and average millionaires aren't simply divided by the difference in their net worth, but by their attitudes and approaches towards wealth. While this thought might make you wonder about your understanding of wealth, it's crucial to comprehend such insights. Real wealth isn't about being able to purchase all luxuries but to live life on your terms.  It's time to redefine your understanding of wealth because wealth isn't about the display; it's about the values it embodies.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Whoever does what, in the end, does it for himself.

 This folk saying is very true. Looked at from many angles, in the end, the conclusions turn out to be true. Regardless, the consequences can affect many people. There are times when we are not in the mood, and it has a big impact on our actions and thoughts. That's why it's good if we plan to start doing something that matters to others; it's good to improve the mood. How? Psychologists say that if a person is not in the mood, it is enough to look at the flames of the fireplace or the fish in the aquarium. Also, seeing a smiling child can instantly put you in the mood. Imagine that you are going to a job interview. Isn't it better to be in a good mood? You are going on a first date; isn't it better to present yourself as a positive person? You have to invest the accumulated savings of a year or two in the stock market, and the mood can lead you astray. On the road, if you drive, you will not be concentrated, and there are many such examples.It is embedded in our very psychology, and we are always looking for the happiness and goodness that lie ahead. If we try to give smiles to people and they smile back, Won't we feel better? No matter how unfair life seems to us, we can at least make it beautiful for us. Because of our mood, we may have helped a person, who may subsequently help an entire community or, on the contrary, cause harm. According to the laws of physics, everything comes back like a boomerang. No matter how much we bang our heads, the saying applies with full force to every person.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What is the duty of a teacher?

I watch the German film The Teacher and admire it. I can only say that such films should be mandatory for anyone training to be a teacher. Very good performance by the actors, but kudos to the writers. Why did I like it? In truth, every teacher must care for children in order to succeed. To help them in times like this movie. There is no division of religion or problem children. The very word teacher means that you make an effort to teach someone something morally and knowledge-wise. Not everyone is a teacher. Some are salarymen. They sing their lesson and collect their salary. Others who really manage to change the way of life of many people for the better. It's not easy, I guess, with so many children in one place. But real teachers find an approach and a way to provoke a student. Everyone is aware that education and the right path lead to better things. If all the teachers are harnessed in the whole process, there won't be many people who would think of harming others. Because the world is flooded with killing games only. Books and movies, mostly crime fiction. I have no idea where the world is going. But I know there are ways to get the worst out of a person through sports and racing. I must have devoted my second book, The Wealth of the Great Kingdom, to writing about how schools are created and why. I had also described there how to choose the teachers. It is true that the teacher is also a person with emotions. But only they can change the way children think. 

Bad thoughts from their environment.  Does the system need to be changed? But this is the only way to create a better future for humanity. Proper education starts from the beginning.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...