Friday, December 15, 2023

Problems with energy sources

I came across an article in Visual CapitalistFossil fuels account for nearly 90 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. Energy production does not only lead to carbon emissions. This can cause accidents and air pollution, which hurts human life. Interestingly, coal produces 820 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. The Petrol produces 720 tons of CO2 per gigawatt. Natural gas produces 490 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Biomass 78-230 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Hydropower 34 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Solar 5 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Wind 4 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. Nuclear energy is 3 tons of CO₂ per gigawatt. More interestingly, Air pollution and accidents from the extraction and combustion of coal fuels are responsible for about 25 deaths per terawatt-hour, according to Our World in Data? Of solar, wind, and nuclear are only 0.03 deaths per terawatt-hour of eleĸtpoeĸng. What follows? We have a choice to keep harming ourselves or switch to the safer for humans as soon as possible. I know there is no magic wand to change everything overnight. But like any normal, human being it is good to do everything in our power to switch to safer energy sources as quickly as possible. In my third book 'Heir to the Dynasty' I even stress about this in general.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

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