Friday, November 17, 2023

Quotes from my third book. 'The heir of the dynasty'

I hope it will be on the market by the end of January 2024. I took the liberty of posting long quotations. Certainly, some readers may, after reading this book, accuse me of being against poor people. Nothing of the kind. They can take lessons from her.
1. Only they could not control their own children and the weather
 2. Confidence in oneself wins, and trust in others
 3. Okay, let's say I'm having a bad day. You are over the moon with happiness. I come and ruin your day, how will you feel.
  4. I don't know, I'm looking for someone who will like me, soul and heart not only physically
 5. We respected each other so much that we were afraid to share our feelings in case it didn't work out. 
 6. I have no idea how rich you are. But that's enough, to waste your time with me a poor student, do you really like me that much.-
  7. You may have lied to me up to this point, but from now on, just don't do it. I will feel you and you will lose me.
   8. It is one thing to know that you will have a test today and to have prepared, it is another thing to rely on someone to give you advice.
  9. As much as a person thinks about something, the events themselves cause them to happen. Even easier than we imagine.
10. Bad thoughts only complicate our lives.
11. We have to let some things happen by themselves.
12. You have one life and it is yours. Only you can determine and choose how it goes. The most important thing is that you like it
13. Imagination is a corridor to the new
14. The most important thing is to think about the task itself. She enlightens us sometimes. But the important thing is not to give up and to be persistent
   15. When you feel tired, stop and collect energy from nature
16. I guess you have a rich soul, at least I think so. We are thus trained to communicate only with people who have rich souls and they are rich in every way
17. The poor man just finds an excuse for me by blaming the rich man for all the troubles of the earth.
18. The poor always discuss the neighbor or someone else which is a waste of time, the rich think about how to produce a product that will be recognized by more people.
19.-Okay, what do you think about money? Mary asked
-Measure of value, to measure a given work or value of a product or service. People use it to make things easier when one thing is exchanged and it changes according to supply and demand
20.-He who controls money does not need to be afraid of it. But he who cannot control them always falls short. No matter how many he has, he still won't be able to handle them. That is why there are poor and rich. The difference is in money management.
21. The least starts with investing knowledge. Almost every town has a library. He has to prepare and find a way to invest.
22. The ordinary person has no idea that the little money that he keeps in the bank works for the business. His pension money is also in stocks and government securities. With the money he collects to buy a property over the years, inflation melts it away
23. My conclusion is that when you have something, you don't pay attention to it. If you don't have it, you strive for it.
24. Now with the new technologies, many people have the opportunity to get the necessary information. But they spend their time for the simplest possible entertainment, but not to become literate. 25. You can write something simple in an hour, and it goes around the world like lightning as if it is something great, but if it is something meaningful, they don't even pay attention to it
26. The way of life is very complicated, but if we harness our energy into something we believe in and like, it will seem wonderful.
27. People do not openly like to be helped. In today's world, this is even more true. Go to someone who needs help, give him a hand, and in a year he will make you the blackest devil. Therefore, for the last three hundred years, our kind has worked by indirectly helping.
28. If you know the formula, every task is easy
29. Sometimes we are so consumed by our goals that we forget or neglect our loved ones. I realized this was a mistake. With good will, one can find time for everything. I can't go back in time and fix my mistakes. I am only asking you to forgive me. I love you very much, Nesia said and hugged her daughter tightly.
30. Many of the people we call great have obviously sacrificed a lot but left something significant behind. But no one thinks about the people who were by their side and supported him and I'm sure that they sacrificed more.
31. It is not a question of tearing the sock and then sewing it up. Yes, he does work, but he always steps on the stitched me and we feel it. The best solution is conversations
32. I don't want to offend you, but regardless of my age, I have enough knowledge to solve any complex issue without consultants. I am not afraid of anything or anyone. I don't need anything. Everyone here has duties and fulfills them. I don't care about business. There are people who care about him.
33. We can't take back the past no matter how much we want, but we can reward the future as we wish

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