Monday, November 6, 2023

God gives, but we must make an effort to take

A few quotes from my first book. These quotes touch on important issues in people's lives. As a matter of fact, in all my books I have come up with a lot of sayings that people like to post on their social networks.

1. Ignorance and laziness are man's greatest enemies

2. A good upbringing is a prerequisite for good health and a successful life.

3. A person is complete if he has spiritual, mental, and physical health.

4. We know that knowledge is stronger than any weapon

5. You can always conquer a person by being able to take control of your feelings

6. You can't bring back the past, but you can think about your future.

7. God gives, but we must make an effort to take

8. Only words are not enough, action must also be taken.

9. If you fail today, I'm sure you will succeed tomorrow.

10. Sometimes we need help but don't forget to be thankful for it.

11. The habits you build now will stay with you for life

12 The hardest words to say are "thank you" and "sorry"

13 In every soul there is something that hides a grain of hope, faith, and love, whether it is poor, bad, or good

14. . I made people respect and love me, but first I gave them that of myself.

15 What we say or do is the result of our thoughts

16 We humans are not without sin

17 If you help one, he will help another, and so it will be easier for you all

18 But if you get in the way, your life also becomes difficult and unbearable

19 It is difficult to be silent, it is important to listen and understand

20 Never forget that everyone has something to say no matter what, just listen and you have the chance to learn something new or clever.

21 The only difference is that some people like to listen and manage to learn something

22 Envy is a waste of time and future

23 You envious people are willing to suffer if you know that others will suffer even more

24 Those who are grateful for the little things succeed, but then life finds a way to reward them

25. And the greedy, no matter how much they have, they are always dissatisfied and their lives are always unhappy.

26 If we think morally correctly and our actions are in the interest of people and nature, this is how we show how rich we are

27 Ignorance is a barrier to happiness and success

28 Those who have no idea about your work, cannot expect to appreciate your work.

29 Constructive criticism is not to be underestimated, you have to learn a lesson

30 You must also respect the freedom of others

31 Anger is the beginning of all problems.

32 But if both love each other, it is already family happiness

33 Because what you told us, all this is free from the creator and you don't have to have a lot of money to buy family happiness.

34 If he does not seek or make efforts to achieve the goal, how will it happen?

35 The better a person you become, the more just you are, and you don't harm others, on the contrary, you help

36 A lie is strong for the moment, but the truth becomes strong in time

37 Every truth is constructive, even if it is sometimes painful

38 There is nothing easier than telling the truth, to lie, you have to invent

39 The truth is the hardest to believe, a lie the easiest

40 The mistake of men is that they say what they see from their side and take it as truth, but it is not the right truth.

41. If we are sincerely grateful and grateful for what we have, the more the Creator gives us

42 To control ourselves, we must constantly learn and not forget ourselves

43 People's thinking itself is a problem, nothing else.

44 if I have achieved something significant, it remains behind me

45 Ignorance creates fear and prevents success, and laziness prevents you from achieving it.

If you like them, you can read the whole book. There you will find many proverbs. It is a manual of habits and morals. Enjoy reading.   "Manners in the Great Kingdom"

Little and opinion

People should strive to be successful in their lives. Laziness and ignorance can prevent them from achieving success. It is also important to keep habits under control and learn moral values through proper upbringing.

Health, family happiness, and planning for the future are also important issues in life. People should learn from their past mistakes and focus on their future goals.

Issues like criticism, freedom, and anger are also part of life. However, these problems need to be kept under control and treated properly.

Finally, telling the truth, helping, showing gratitude, and avoiding sins like jealousy are also important issues in life. People can live happier and more successful lives by acquiring the right habits and imbibing moral values.

Author Sezgin Ismailov 

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