Sunday, March 26, 2023

There are different types of success, too.

 Success is a tricky thing to measure. Some people might say that success is achieving your goals, while others might say that success is simply being happy and content with your life. There are a lot of different factors that contribute to success, and everyone has their own definition of what success looks like. Some people might measure success by how much money they make, while others might measure success by how many people they help. There are all sorts of different ways to measure success, and what matters to you is entirely up to you. There are different types of success, too. Some people might find success in their careers, while others might find success in their personal lives. There’s no wrong way to find success, and whatever makes you happy is what matters. No matter how you measure success, or what kind of success you’re looking for, remember that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Just keep working hard and never give up on your dreams.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Saturday, March 11, 2023

You can now listen to my first book

 I am pleased to present to you that my book Manners in the Great Kingdom in English and German versions has been released as an audiobook. Anyone can already listen to it if they don't feel like reading it. The titles of the stories alone are enough to make one think whether it is worth listening to. 1. The lack of knowledge and laziness are the biggest enemies 2. A person always has a choice 3. Strive to work on what brings you pleasure 4. If there is hope, there will always be a future 5. There is no more valuable than health  6. If you are confident and stubborn, you will achieve your goals   7. The Lord gives, but we must make an effort to take it 8. The most difficult words to say are "Thank you" and Sorry  9. It's hard to win a real friend, but it's easy to lose a friend 1o. What we say or do is the result of our thoughts  11. To forgive means to clear yourself of the burden of your soul    12. Joy is an inspiration for optimism and energy  13. When you are helping other people, you are also helping yourself  14. If you want to stop drinking, look at the nondrinker   15. It is difficult to remain silent, it is important to listen and understand   16. Envy is a waste of time and future  17. The greed has no measure 18. What you sow, that what you reap 19. You can only give, what you have  20. Inactivity doesn't make things better  21. Ignorance is a barrier to achieving happiness and success  22. Affection is a spark, love is an eternal flame  23. If you want health, you need willpower and habits  24. The lie is stronger at the moment, but the truth becomes stronger in the future  25. Whatever you give, you'll get it  26. You want happiness - you must be sincere and grateful  27. Our destiny is what we had planned and decided... 

It is still spreading and within a few months, you will find it in many more places on the Internet.

For now, I can post a few links for which the content is already available.

in English

Happy listening

Monday, March 6, 2023

Losing can help us to learn from our mistakes

Losing is an essential part of life. It is impossible to win all the time, and losing is a necessary part of the learning process. Losing can teach us valuable lessons and help us to become better people.  There are many benefits to losing. Losing can help us to learn from our mistakes, to become more humble, and to develop a greater sense of empathy for others. Losing can also motivate us to work harder and to become more determined to achieve our goals.  In order to use losing to our advantage, we need to accept it as part of life and learn from it. We should not be afraid to fail, and we should view each setback as an opportunity to grow and improve. There is an old saying
When you lose something, you don't know what you can gain.
 Author Sezgin Ismailov

The Most Useful Foods for Human Health:

  What makes a food really good? The answer to this question is as varied as the foods themselves. But there are some commonalities that dis...